Oh Baby! part II

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It's terrible I know, but it's what I could do on short notice.

Continuation of last chapter which I had to cut into two parts because it was super long. So here we go superflash/ karry / zorallen fans.

Barry stood in the middle of the street facing Savitar. Barry slowly approached him having his guard up at all times.

"Who are you?" Barry asked curiously.

"I am the future, Flash." A menacing metallic voice spoke.

"What are you doing here." Barry asked confused.

"I am here, to  make sure my future is absolute, to do so I'm must kill someone to ensure I am safe." Saving said.

"Kill who?" Barry asked.

"In a matter of months a child will be born and I must make sure it dies so I can be born, to do so I must kill the mother before she gives birth."  Savitar boomed.

"You would kill a mother and a child just for that reason?" Barry growled.

"This child is closer to you than you think Barry Allen." The villain said before speeding off.

Barry ran back to Star Labs and found team Flash still there. "So, I just had a lovely chat with Savitar." Barry said announcing his presence.

"You spoke to Savitar?" Iris asked concerned.

"I did and he told me his motives. He apparently wants to kill a pregnant woman to ensure his birth. Then he said the child is closer to me than I think." Cisco tensed up, nervous by Barry's declaration.

Kara.  He thought. "What does that even mean?" Caitlin asked. Barry just shrugged. "Maybe you knocked someone up and now you're a dad." Iris joked.

Everyone except Cisco laughed. Cisco cleared his throat and everybody stopped laughing.

"I just remembered I have a thing." Cisco said running out the cortex and into the hallway.

He was opening a breach when he heard HR's voice behind him. "Whatcha doing?" HR asked in a sing song voice causing Cisco to jump. "I- nothing." Cisco said hurriedly causing HR to raise his eyebrows. "Okay I'm going to another earth to warn someone." Cisco told him. "Okay I'll come with you." HR said excitedly. "NO!" Cisco yelled before dialing his tone down a bit. "No."

"Why not." HR asked.

"Because- Because it's private ." Cisco said adjusting his jacket. HR walked away and hid behind a corner out of Cisco's view. Cisco checked to see if anyone was coming before opening a breach to Kara's earth.

"Oh Francisco." HR sighed.

Earth -38

Cisco had set his location to arrive where Kara was, so he was surprised when he jumped out of the breach to find guns aimed at him. "What is it with these people pointing guns at me?" He mumbled. "I come in peace." Cisco said to the agents.

"Lower your weapons." He heard a commanding voice. Nobody budged, so the voice spoke again. "Now!" The agents lowered their weapons and started to walk away. Cisco saw Kara standing there arms crossed.

"Kara, thank God." He said letting out a sigh of relief.

"Cisco what are you doing here?" She asked confused.

"You're in danger." Cisco blurted out. Kara raised her eyebrows confused.

Kara brought Cisco into the private meeting room where he explained to her, what Barry found out on his encounter with Savitar.

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