Let's take this slow.

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It's April in the book just so you know, Kara is now 5 months pregnant and feeling all the effects of a Krypto-Speedster baby.


"Mon-El, Winn!" Kara yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Run." Winn whispered to Mon-El eyes wide. Both turned to make a run for it but,Kara marched into the Deo, fuming.  "Not so fast." She commanded while glaring.

"Heyyyyyy girl." Winn said cowering in fear. Kara took a deep breath before addressing them.

"Winn. Mon-El.  Can someone please tell me why my apartment is full of toys, and clothing?" Kara asked closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Well, you're having a baby and it needs clothes and toys." Mon-El responded. This only enraged Kara even more.

"First of all, don't you every call my child an it." She said before stepping close to his ear. "Or else I will make sure lead poisoning isn't your biggest fear." She whispered in a deadly voice. Mon-El audibly gulped and nodded his head in compliance.

"Second of all, I can barely walk without accidentally hitting something, get them out of my apartment. " she snapped before walking away.

"It's just toys." Mon-El said to Winn, confused at Kara's reaction. "She's pregnant and hormonal, just do as she says and try not to get killed." Winn told him before getting back to work.


Kara was sitting in the conference room eating lunch with Alex when a breach suddenly opened. Kara got all giddy and excited, waiting for the visitor to jump out.

As soon as she saw Barry she ran into his arms. Barry took in her smell, and  physically relaxed.  Barry felt Kara's obvious bump between him and placed his hand on her stomach. The pair had grown closer and started secretly developing feelings for each other.

"Did your stomach grow since last week?" he asked in amazement .

"A little bit." She responded smiling.

"So what brings you here?" Alex asked, speaking for the first time.

"Other than the mother of my child and a baby shower?" Barry asked jokingly. Kara smiled at him with sparkling eyes.

"Very funny." Alex said grabbing her trash and walking out.

Kara turned to Barry smiling. "You should see what Mon-El and Winn, bought for the baby. I could barely move in the apartment." She told him annoyed.

"They do know that the baby shower is tomorrow right?" Barry asked amused. Kara just rolled her eyes.

"Did everyone RSVP?" Kara asked.


Star City -Team Arrow.

"Oliver." Felicity spoke over comms.

"What is it Felicity?" Oliver groaned, firing an arrow at a sniper.

"We need to RSVP for Barry and Kara's baby shower." She said, holding the invitation.

"Felicity. I am getting shot at and you thought it was necessary, to ask if we're going?" Oliver asked annoyed, while narrowly dodging a bullet.

"Yes." Felicity responded. Oliver sighed and took a deep breath. He knocked out the last shooter before responding.

"Yes, we're going." Oliver said . Launching a grappling arrow towards the roof.

World War II

Sara had a German soldier in a headlock as Mick used his flamethrower on another. "Did we ever RSVP to Kara and Barry's baby shower?" Ray asked flying between two soldiers knocking them out.

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