Chapter 5 : Love

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Nightmares POV

I looked at Ink he looked emotionless, even after what just happend with Dream! I could tell he was lying though about 'being fine". I saw him take a sip of those paint vials, I didn't qestion it though, Ink kinda weird but thats why i love him....WAIT WHAT?!

"Look guys i don't know what spell Dream put on me." Ink protested.

"Well...your his 'friend' wouldn't you-" Ink cut me off .

"I know what your gonna say NightMare and no, i dont know this spell in particular."

"Well lets just hope that it wears off" Cross quietly said.

"Well hope is the only thing we can do right now"

We all walk down stairs to see everyone woried as hell about the 3 of us. They all turn to look as they hear foot steps and sigh in relief to see us ok. I knew Ink thought he was a burden to all of us. I even had a big crush on him now and wanted to help him, i can tell he has depression.

"What happend?!?" Dust questioned.

"It was Dream but we are ok"

~~Inks POV~~

They were all taking about Dream and me but i felt like i was forgetting something. Then it hit my like a brick. My bone marrow ran cold (LOL what) BLUE OH NO NO NO. HE COULD BE HURT WITH DREAM, OH GOD. I started to sweat like crazy. Dust noticed this and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Ink? Are you ok? whats wrong?"

"BLUE HE IS STILL WITH DREAM, WHAT IF HE GETS HURT?!?" I shouted at the top of my non-existent lungs.

Dust eye sockets widened in fear and he froze. Dust has had a crush on Blue for a long time. Blue has a massive crush on Dust too. Hearing this must have crushed Dust SOUL.

"Oh no.....but i lo-" Dust cut himself off.

"Alright then you heard him, Error and Horror i order you to get Blue and bring him here" NightMare said in a serious tone.

"Ok whatever" Horror Spoke quickly.


~~ 1 hour Time Skip ~~

We were all sitting on the couch when a portal opened up. They really cam back with Blue and he looked so confused. That is until he laid eyes on me.


"Im ok Blue, they have been really nice to me actually!" I noticed Blue smiled when i said that.


~~ 5 min of explaining to Blue ~~

"So there is there is the story Blue" I said, as tears rolled down my cheeks. ( Are they even cheeks!?)

"WOW.....W-WHY DREAM DO THAT?! I THOUGHT HE WAS NICE!" I looked in Blues eyes to see worry and a bit of sadness but most of all anger.

In a attempt to lighten the mood i said.

"Well since its getting you huys wanna watch a movie?" They all then looked at me and nodded.

"What movie should we watch?" NightMare asked.

"How about a horror movie its called...Annabelle?" I said as horror smiled brightly.

"ALRIGHT THEN I'LL GET THE SNACKS AND DRINKS!" Blue beamed and walked to the kitchen.

"Im coming to!" Dust ran after Blue a blushing mess.

After they cam back with snacks and drinks. We all got comfy on the couch. I was sitting at the end of the couch with NightMare to my right. We were about have with in the movie. Dust and Blue were cuddling in their sleep. Killer was also asleep. Though me, NightMare, Error, Horror and Cross (and Cross Chara) were awake.

~~ NightMares POV ~~

I was starting to get tired i was adout to close my eye sockets when there was a jump scare. I wasn't scared but it woke me up. Ink on the other scared and gripped onto my hoodie for dear life. I blushed a dark blue as he clung to me.


he looked up at me with fear in his eye lights. He blushed a bright rainbow.

"s-s-sorry!" He tried to get up but i used my tenticals to keep him in place.


"Its ok Ink, besides this is quiet comfy" A small smile fell on my face as Ink fell asleep in my arms.

I gently move Ink so he is sitting on my lap and i fell asleep.

Cross's POV

OMG, NIGHTMARE AND INK ARE SOOOOO CUTE TOGETHER! I need to get a picture *click*. Hehehe this is so cute. Oooooooo ship name is InkMare,  Killer and Blue are gonna fan girl over this!

~~ Time Skip to the morning ~~

Inks POV

I slowly start to open my eyes and look around i am sitting in NightMares lap, cuddling him i may add. I slowly got up and relized that nobody else was there exept Blue and Dust still cuddling. I got up and kissed NightMare on the top of his skull and proceeded to go to the kitchen. Then i heard giggling coming from the kitchen. Knowing that it was the other guys i listened.

" Ok so we all ship DustBerry and InkMare, now we make them ki-" Cross was cut of by a loud thump. Which cam from me falling over.

"StALkEr MuCH?" Error said to me and smirked.

"I ummmm...well you guys are talking about ships about me and NightMare and-" Someone talking behind me cut me off.....ohh shit. It was NightMare, great just great.

"What was that Ink? Ship names about us?" NightMare spoke in a emotionless voice

"SCATTER" I scream, everyone imidantly runs away from the kitchen to find a hiding spot.

But of course NightMare holds me with one of his tenticals. While everyone else escapes.

"N-nightmare its n-not like that.....i d-dont have a c-crush on you." OH MY GOD IM STUTTERING WHY???

"*sigh* Ink i need to tell you something." NightMare says as he walks through a portal to the  OuterTale cliff side.

NightMare gently sets me down on the ground. NightMare sits next to me and forces me to look at him.

"Ink I-i like you more than a friend" His whole face went a dark blue color.

"I-i love you too NightMare" I smiled and he leaned forward.

Then our teeth tuched. HOLY CRAP NIGHTMARE IS KISSING ME I thought. I was shocked but then melted into to kiss. We pulled away gasping for breath. NightMare Pulles me close to him i was leaning on his shoulder.

"I love you Nighty"

"I love you too Inky"


WOOOOOOO Loooooong chapter, thanks for being patient. Bye you sack of good looking potatoes.

word count - 1144

~Im broken Inside~ NightMare x InkWhere stories live. Discover now