Chapter 6 : A Nightmare?

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Inks POV

After we got back from OuterTale, everyone was on the couch taunting
Blue and Dust.

"Oh come on guys stop teasing the two lovebirds." NightMare teased. ( hypocrite )

"We are NOT a couple! Ok?!? Now can you guys please shut up." Dust protested.

"Whatever, but imma go make lunch for all of us." I say and walk into the kitchen.

~Time skip brought to you by sand~

After I was done Making sandwiches, everyone scarfed down their food like hungry wolfs. Horror even asked were i learned to make great sandwiches. As you can- ( Ink you just broke the 4th wall ) oops sorry. As I was saying Dream made me cook for him while Blue was out.

Dreams POV ( not expeceting that huh?)

I swear when I get my hands on that Ink blot out of my brothers reach I will kill him. NightMare even got his cronies to take Blue so now i can't have eny fun. Even though I didn't lay a finger on Blue...yet. I was going to ask Lust if he had eny sleeping powder becase he says its kinky. I made a portal to UnderLust and knock on Lust door.

" uhh...hi Dream. What brings you here?" Lust asked.

"I was wondering if you had any sleeping powder that i could use?" I said.

"Huh...Oh yea ill be one sec" Lust
said closing the door.

I was thinking why Lust had not said anythind lewd. Maybe he doesn't want to upset me. At that moment Lust walked out of the house with a bag of sleeping powder.

"Here ya go Dreamy~"

"Ugh....thanks Lust ill be going now."

I said and walked through a portal to 'Inks house' which now is my house since he doesn't live here anymore.

NightMares POV

It was getting dark out and we all ate supper already so we were going to sleep. Ink wanted to sleep in the same bed tonight and I couldn't say 'no' to the squid.

"Come on shorty, lets go to bed" I said shorty because that will make him very angry and cute.

"I am NOT short!!" He pouted.

"Alright what ever just go to sleep."

"Fine whatever" He muttered.

Then he snuggling his face into my chest and fell asleep. I rap my tenticals protectivly around his body and fall into a peacful sleep.

Inks POV


I was in a very dark place It smelled very musky and a bit like blood. I also relized I was chained to a wall. Then it hit me i was in the basment to my house where Dream punishes me. I immediantly start calling for help but N O B O D Y C A M E. Well exept Dream.

"Oh Ink this is now where the real fun begins" He then took out a sharp knife and charged at me.

~End of NightMare~

My eyes shot open and I got up in a sitting position, my breaths quick and short. I started shaking and silent tears fell from my face then I felt movment next to me. I looked over to see NightMare looking at me with a worried expression. He gave me a hug which shocked me but then I started sobbing into his jacket.

"Shhhh...Ink its ok It was just a nightmare. I promise you I didn't cause it though." He then planted a kiss at the top of my skull getting me to calm down.

"I won't let anything hurt you I promise."

Sorry for this chapter taking sooooo long my internet was dying. So see ya you bootiful sack of potatoes!

word count - 609

~Im broken Inside~ NightMare x InkWhere stories live. Discover now