Chapter 11: Commitment

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NightMares POV

I dropped my coffee cup on the the floor and It shatterd, the coffee Inside now everywhere on the floor. I look at Cross like he's Insane. Sure I said oh I want to kill Dream blah, blah, blah but he's my brother even though I think he Is annoying, abusive, toxic, and.... oh.....BUT STILL HE IS MY BROTHER!!


"Night, chill the fuck out! Besides do you really think Dream can change? After all the shit he has done?? He's basically gone mad!!" Killer stated while gently rubbing Cross' shoulder for him to calm down.

I didn't want to listen to thier shit anymore so I stormed out of the k
kitchen. I sat on the living room couch and thought. What If killer's right...what If there is no way to save Dream, we would have to kill him. In the middle of my thoughts I felt somthing wet and hot slide down my face. It was a tear, I was crying.

"Nighty, whats wrong?" I heard a gently voice behind me.

I turnd my head to look who It was, It was Ink. Inks eye sockets widened as he say tears running down my face. Ink then quickly jumped over the back of the couch and Ingolfed me Into a hug. Ink then let go and asked

"Whats wrong Night?"

"W-what If we have to kill Dream, what If there Is n-no way to save him?"

Ink though for a moment and I though well what do you think Inks gonna say?! He wants Dream dead and a part of me does but the other part Is saying he's my brother! Then again remeber I remeber how he Ignored me and only when I ate the dark apple he THEN cares!?! Dream Has never cared ,he Is a lost cause, he Is hopeless.

"Well do you think Dream can change, I mean he Is your brother so this Is up to you."

"No I-i don't think he can change, he has done Indiscribibal things and can not be forgiven!" I yelled.

"Alright then Its setteld, well kill Dream!"

"Well Dreams 'army' will probably be here In about a week so lets go tell the others."

Ink nods and we both get off the couch and make are way Into the kitchen. In there we see Killer clening up glass and coffee from the floor, Dust and Blue flirting, Horror messaging somone on his phone ((probably Lust)) and Cross and Error talking. I clear my 'throat' to get there attention

"So now that I have though about this I have come to the conclusion about what we are going to do about this war. They will most likely be here In a week and you are not to kill enyone but me and Ink will handel Dream and-" Killer Interrupted me.

"Wait so are you guys killing Dream or not...?" Killer sheepishly said and I glared at him befor continuing.

"Y-yes me and Ink are Killing Dream considering the balance of positive and negative emotions has been broken for a while. That and I-i don't beleive he can change!"

They all nodded and slowly got up and went to the living room or now as we call It the 'meeting room'. Me and Ink looked at eachother and I said

"Alright Ink, lets get to planing a war!"
Bye you potato! 🥔

word count - 613

~Im broken Inside~ NightMare x InkWhere stories live. Discover now