Chapter 9: The Pain?

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Cross' POV

WHERE THE HELL IS NIGHTMARE?! We all woke up this morning to not seeing NightMare in the castle! Error believes he Is In the doodle sphere but who the hell knows! He could be dead for all we know and Ink to. Right now we were all in the living room thinking abot what to do, even tho It was 1 am.

"LooK GuYs NigHtMaRe haS tO bE In tHe DooDLe sPhEre!" Error protested


"Blue calm down, Im sure where ever Nightmare and Ink are there fine." Dust said reassuringly while hugging Blue.

"Yea we just have to hope for the best." I add.

We all sat there for a couple of minutes in silence until we heard a fimiler ripping sound. It was coming from behind the couch so we all turned are heads to look. There was a portal and NightMare walked out of It holding an injured and scared Ink. The portal then closed behind NightMare.

"what the heck are you guys still doing up?" NightMare asked.

"TheY WerE aLl woRiRed aBouT yOu anD InK, How Is tHe INk bLoT aNyWayS?" Error said looking at Inks shaking body.

"He could be alot better which Is
why I am going to heal his wounds and you guys go to sleep Its 1 am." NightMare ordered.

We all nod are heads and walk upstairs exept Error who went to the the anti-void.

NightMares POV

I watch them all walk up stairs and I soon follow and go into my bedroom. Ink didn't know this but I did have a bathroom connected to my bedroom. I walk through the door and Ink looked around curiously and I set him on the counter. I got some medical supplies from the cabinet and got to work.

"Ink can you please remove your shirt so I can see your wounds?"

"U-uh I-i think I can d-do It myself NightMare..." Ink said.

I was not going to take 'no' for answer so I removed his shirt but not without Ink struggling or his protest. Once I got hus shirt off I noticed he was hiding his arms so I asked-

"Ink can I see your arms, please I need to heal them."

Ink shakly nodded and looked away and showed me his arms. What I saw hurt me. Maybe i could have helped him! Why didn't I notice before?! Cuts, scars and bruses. I looked at Ink grabbing his chin to make him face me. His eyesockets were weld up with tears, solme pouring down his face.

"S-see look! *hic* Can't you s-see how Im Broken Inside? You can't and shouldn't love me! Not like I can feel r-real *sob* feelings anyways so-" I shut him up with a kiss.

"Ink I don't care how broken inside you are, I'll help you fix It. I love you I love you so, so much. I really don't know wacha mean by 'can't feel real feelings' but i love you unconditionally! So please...remeber that."

Ink looked at me shocked at what I just said but hugged me tight and I of course hugged back.

"Y-you mean it?" Ink asked.

"Of course"


Ok soooo my friend found this book and made a bet with me in which I LOST AND NOW HAVE TO WRITE A LEMON SOOOO GREAT!! urggh why me. I dont know what chapter It will be but there has to be a lemon so uhhgg whatever. ((btw updated discription this book))

word count - 611

~Im broken Inside~ NightMare x InkWhere stories live. Discover now