Chapter 1: Only Human

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Kris's hand was grasped firmly by their mother as she walks slowly towards the school ahead of them. Kris looks down shyly at their hand, and wonders why mom still bothers to hold their hand as they walk.

The two of them make their way into the school, to which Kris's mother lets go of their hand. Toriel turns around and says "have fun at school dear," and leans in to hug Kris. Kris just stands there idly. Toriel lets go of her child, and heads to Kris's right.

Toriel opens the classroom door, and heads inside the classroom. Young kids could be heard screaming, before the door closes.

There is now silence.

Kris heads to their left.

They stop at a classroom door. This is their class. They open the door and head in silently.

"And that's why... Oh Kris, you're earlier than usual." Alphys says with a smile. A faint snicker is heard in the background. Sounds like it came from a blue jay.

"Susie is early too. You guys are improving. Oh, and I bought more chalk!" She holds up a box of colorful chalk for kids.

Kris looks at Susie. Susie looks hungrily at the chalk bucket. She notices Kris and gives them a faint but genuine smile. Kris waves to her.

"Uh, why don't you sit down Kris? We were working on our group projects." Alphys says,
as she writes down some lessons on a chalkboard in a messy hand writing.

Kris walks to their seat. Which just so happens to be the seat in the middle of the classroom. Kris wishes that their seat was in the back, so that they could sleep during class without getting caught.

Kris begins to work, they pick up a pen and paper, then start writing. They feel a tap on their shoulder a moment later.

"Hey Kris." Its Susie.

Kris looks back and hums accordingly.

"You working on our project?"

Kris nods.

Susie leaned in a little closer, and whispered. "You know I'm going to help you, right?"

The guy sitting next to Susie glances at her, and Susie gave him a look. The guy looks back at his paper.

Kris was surprised, but it's not like Susie could tell. Susie really has changed since they became friends. However, it doesn't seem like she's ready to admit either of those things.

Susie was writing down something. Kris couldn't really find out what. The writing was only partly legible.

Kris looks up at Susie. "So Kris. You're a human. I'm pretty sure you're a human. Are you a human?" Susie asks, but she knows the answer, Kris is pretty sure she's just messing around.

Kris nods, and gives her another hum of confusion. Kris thinks she might be asking that because they lack the need to speak.

"Well Kris, we all are pretty sure that you're the only human in town. But the thing is Kris, a new family recently moved into this God forsaken town and-"
"Hey Kris!"

Kris looks forward, and a sassy looking blue jay is looking back at them. "So, since you're the only human here, I bet you think you're very special huh? Heh heh." Berdly says in a snotty, gross tone.

Kris literally twitches every time this guy speaks. Susie leans to the side to get a better look at this jerkwad. The bird feels threatened, but continues to speak.

"Well, I'd like to inform you that there's some new humans living here now. So now you're not so special anymore. Have fun sleeping tonight, ahah." Berdly snickers, and faces forward.

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