Chapter 2: Knights of Hearts

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"Kris! Watch out!"

Kris looks behind them, and wild dog attacks them. Kris falls and they loose some HP in the process. Susie slashes at the dog, and kills it in one shot.

"Damn. I killed it..."

Ralsei helps Kris up.

"You okay Kris?" Ralsei and Susie asked in unison. Kris hummed and nodded. There seemed to be something wrong with Kris's sword, it wouldn't change into defense mode. They shrug it off, and put it back into their scabbard.

"Oh, I almost had a heart attack! Thank you Susie for helping them!" Ralsei smiles. Ralsei uses some extra Tension Points they've gained to heal Kris.

"Hey, it's wasn't that big of a problem. But Kris, you should watch out more... You're hair is always covering your eyes." The purple girl says. She always wondered what Kris's face actually looked like.

"Look who's talking." Says Ralsei. He jumps up to move Susie's hair from her eyes. "You always cover your eyes too!"

"Yeah, but at least I show them sometimes. Unlike Kris over here." They look at Kris.

The genderless one stays idle, then shrugs.


"So what were we doing?"

"We were defending to the kingdom of hearts...?" Ralsei summons a scroll with a bunch of medieval looking writing on it.

"The prince sent us this scroll. He wants us to get rid of the wild enemies and infected townsfolk around the outskirts." Ralsei tilts his head as he reads to himself. It seems that Raslei can't really understand the rest of the writing.

"He doesn't specify what to do after we defeat them..." Ralsei says sadly. He doesn't appreciate the fact that they can't talk to the infected folk.

They can only lock them up and hope the infection passes or until a cure is discovered. Ralsei sighs, and Susie places a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, bud. We'll find a cure... or something. Look, I promise not to kill anyone. Unless our leader tells me to do so." Susie and Ralsei looks at Kris again, who has ran to a nearby bush to pick some random berries.
*You got some wild berries.
*Wild berries were added to your ITEMS.
Kris tries to eat one.
"Kris, we don't know what those are!!" Ralsei exclaims. He summons a book, and starts flipping through it. Kris gives Ralsei the berries as he tries to find out what they are.

Kris waits for Ralsei. While doing so, Susie notices something dark in the bushes. Susie walks towards it slowly. The object moves and runs in the opposite direction. Then she looks back at her teammates.

 Then she looks back at her teammates

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