Chapter 42: The Unthought About Team! Called Out!

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Technically speaking this story has ended but the only thing I'm doing is replacing and or adding chapters in open spots, seeing how I'm never in the mood that takes longer than you think

Y/n was sitting on a chair in the hokage's office, he started tapping his foot recklessly.

Y/n: How long will they take!

Tsunade: Give them a couple of minutes.

Y/n: I've been waiting for 10 minutes now, I can't wait any longer.

Tsunade: Y/n please be patient.

Y/n: I have been patient!

After what seemed like years the door finally opened, Choji followed by RockLee and Might Guy walked entered.

Y/n: Finally!

Might guy: HeLlO!

Rock Lee: We are here!

Tsunade: I'm glad you could all make it, I'm gonna give you all your mission.

Y/n: That's why were here.

Tsunade: Your squad name is team guy, I have assigned you three together for the reason neither of you have ever interacted and that's bad for the village because we can't be a team if most of you barely know one another, now the mission is simple I need you four to get a package from the Hidden Flower village for me.

Might Guy: Package? What might that be?

Tsunade: A scroll, I can't tell you what's in it that's classified information.

Y/n: Get a package, alright I have nothing to do today so let's go!

The four head to the village exit ready to start their mission.

Lee: What do you believe is in the scroll.

Y/n: Probably some non important Hokage stuff.

Choji: I bet it's a recipe for some delicious food!

Y/n: I doubt that.

Might Guy: AAAlright! Are you ready!!


Might Guy: That's the spirit Lee! Let's go and may the power of youth compel you!

Y/n: What?

Guy Sensei rushed onto a tree and leaped away, Lee did the same while following behind.

Choji: Did you pack snacks?

Y/n: Obviously.

Choji: Let's go then.

Y/n: Right behind you.

Choji and Y/n jumped onto tree and leaped away following Lee and Guy.

A day or so passed and the four had finally reached the Hidden Flower Village.

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