Chapter 6

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Heyo! I know this is still slow, but its probably one of my quickest updates. I apologize but I am busy and yea... Enough excuses, onto the story.............


I walk through the corridors of the centre with new courage. I keep flicking my hair just to get used to the feel of having short hair. I walk past several stores before stopping in front of the Optical Super Store. This place is like my second home. I have needed glasses since I was 16 months old, and I still do. I walk up to the receptionist. "Excuse me, but have you got any contacts, that are the same subscription to these," I hold out my glasses.

"I'll check, if you would like to take a seat. Any colour in preference?"

"A natural colour please, no purple's. But any colour will be fine." She nods and walks away. I pick up a magazine and look at the photo's. What amazes me is how good people can look with glasses. I mean, I never looked that good. Maybe I could buy good-looking glasses, rather than contacts. I have always had a fear of contacts, don't really know why. I flick through thick magazine after magazine until the lady comes back.

"We have one pair in stock. Is this blue ok?" She shows me an example of the colour. It is the most gorgeous blue I have ever seen. I don't know who to describe it, maybe, if you think of a picturesque island, and the colour of the water.

"I love them, I'll take them." I smile as she nods and takes me into a room to tell me how to put them on. She explains it, in a very easy way that a pre-schooler could understand, but I don't explain. I try and put them in and after 4 attempts is successful. Its a strange feeling, everything is magnified like I'm wearing glasses but I'm not. You can hardly feel them. The lady, whose name is Carol, passes me a pamphlet incase I need more help when I'm a home. It also contains a number so that if the ever get stuck, someone can come and help me. She warns me never to sleep with them in, and to take them out when I have a shower or a swim, basically like glasses. I thank her, pay the $10 and walk out with them still in. Don't want me thinking something is $10 when its $100,  I think to myself. Laughing at my own joke, I make my way to the second floor, the clothing department.

My eyes graze over every type of clothing imaginable. Jackets, tops, shorts, skirts and even.... underwear. I am quite clueless of where to begin, and I'm only looking at the magazine for Loci, a major clothing store. I decide to just wing it and I stalk into the store, clenching my fists. Apparently, I look confused because a worker, looking about 19, comes over to me. "Hi, you seem lost. Can I help you?" She speaks really slowly, as if I was a tourist from France and didn't know how to speak English or something. "Yes thanks. I'm looking for a wardrobe redo, if you don't mind, could you help me pick out some outfits." I say. She seem startles that I could even speak English let alone fluently. But sure enough, she regains her posture.

"Sure. I love helping people pick out their clothes. And I LOVE your hair!" I thank her and she leads me down to the end of the shop. Within a matter of milliseconds she has started throwing clothes in my arms and before long it feels like they're going to snap off. "Ok," she said. "Now go into a dressing room and try on these clothes. I'll be right outside, as soon as you have an outfit on, come out and I'll give you a rating. If it's over 6, you shoudl keep it." I nodded and started to get changed into the first outfit. Bright pink shorts, like really shorts, and a half top, that's bright aqua. I walk out and automatically feel over-exposed and I want to put some real clothes on. But before I could turn around the worker, whose name is Lara, started balbbering on. "OMG! You're body type suits this outfit perfectly... have you got abs? Wow! A 9, a 9 I tell you!" I started to get slightly scared because if this behaviour continues, I will kinda start freaking out.

"OK. Um, no abs. Calm down." I start saying as I take off that outfit and change into a different one. This is one is a pink off the shoulder shirt and denim shorts. I walk out but Lara just shakes her head. I take that one as a no. Slightly different from the reaction before-only  hand. There is one dress in the mountain she gave me so I decided to try that on It is short and has a pretty floral pattern all over it. The top is cut so it looks like a heart and the back has a heart cut out of it as well. It is quite pretty. I walk out and Lara says a definant yes. But calmly. I wonder where the crazy chick has gone...

This process of trying, judging and re-trying continue's for the next half an hour. Crazy Lara has only re-appeared once, and that was when I tried the other dress on. I knwo I only said there was one dress, but I honestly thought that it was a shirt. So, after 30 minutes of fun tortue I have ended up with 7 outfits. The floral dress, the bright aqua shirt and pink shorts, the mini dress that is a nice green that is a halter neck and flares at the bottom slightly, a half shirt with small sleeve and the american flag on it along with frayed denim shorts, a really nice white singlet that is attached to a black jumper with a black skirt and a white belt, a pair of skinny jeans and a over-sized large orange shirt and black high-wasted skirt and a lepoard print shirt that is button up. I thank Lara for all her work and she says it's no problem and that we should catch up some time. She even gave me her number so I now have one friend on my phone. This plan is working well and it has even come into action. I pay for the clothes which come to $300. I was quite blown away at the price but then again, its Loci. I check my wallet and it turns out I still have $200 dollars to spend on shoes and make-up. the final stage of shopping is about to begin.

I decide to take a trip to converse to buy some shoes. I have always loved converse shoes, escepically high-tops. I already have a pair of red low cut converse and black high-tops. I look around and decide that I haven't got enough money for them and good shoes so I go to Payless Shoes. People may think that they are a 'cheap' store and they are price wise, but they have some really nice shoes. I pick up a pair of silver sandals that have jewels and a pair of white ballet flats. I then decide to buy high heels because, YOLO. I buy the three pairs of shoes and scedaddle with $150 to spend. Finally, I head to the one and only make-up store Make Up For Ever. I realise that I don't have much time before mum will  be expecting me to be home so I hurry and buy and pallete of colourful eyeshadow, eyeliner, foundation, mascara and lip gloss. That takes me to a total of $75 which leaves me $75 exactly. I head home and luckily mum isn't there. It's not that she woukld be mad but, she would wonder how I bought that much stuff for $50. I take it all up stairs, along with the remaining money and put it away. By the time I have finished my mum pulled up in the driveway and I started to feel queasy. Not from nervousness, but from the eggs...


Finally finally finally finished the shopping. I know the end wasn't very good but I really wanted to finish it. Now Im escited. Yay! What do you think of the clothes? I'm not very good with fashion so comment your idea's and I'll probably use them. thank! Hope you enjoyed it!! :D

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