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The famed British forest, home of the legendary hero Robin Hood, takes its name from an Old English phrase that means "shire wood" a woodlot belonging to the shire, roughly the equivalent of a county. The shire was Nottingham, whose law enforcer was therefore in charge of the very forest where Robin Hood camped. "Sherwood Forest" is redundant, but it remains a popular name for housing developments in wooded areas.


"Where even are we?" Touya hopped off the motorcycle and stretched out his legs. Let's just say he hadn't straddled anything for that long in too long. 

"Not very far from where we usually are? But there is a nice coffee place over there so," Tomura shrugged. "I thought it could be nice." 

The two walked into the coffee shop and were surprised to see a number of people getting coffee in the afternoon. "Aren't you Mr. Aizawa?" Touya turned his head to see the tired teacher sitting in the corner. 

"Not for much longer. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get fired soon. Who are you?" 

"Don't you see the resemblance? I'm a Todoroki," he gestured to his face.

Mr. Aizawa squinted. He really couldn't tell that much but that was probably because Touya wasn't in his class for that long before nearly getting kicked out of school. Or did he drop out? That was a long time ago. No one really remembered. "I don't see it." 

"Well, if he calls you asking for any weird favors just say no, thanks," Touya wandered over to the counter. 

"I'm going to take a guess and say that you're not a sugar and cream type of guy," the blonde snickered and leaned up against the counter. His nametag read 'Hawks.'

"Did you just assume I'm goth?" Touya mocked offense and placed a hand over his chest. "I'm going to take the most sugary thing on that menu." 

"And what'll it be for your friend here?" 

Tomura tried his best not to be offended by the assumption he was 'just a friend' and mumbled his response just loud enough for him to hear. He walked off and found a place to sit, taking advantage of the free wi-fi. 

Toga: Soooooo, how's your date going?

Tomura: Great start, terrible place

Toga: What?! But it had great reviews!!!

Tomura: Some oddly charming guy is flirting with Touya again

Tomura: Why does he always attract the cute ones?

Tomura: *sent attachment*

Tomura: I mean look at that. 


Tomura sighed and leaned his head up against the window, looking out at all those disgustingly happy people. "You look blue, and I'm not just talking about that weird tint in your hair," Touya sat down and pushed the coffee over. He took one sip of his and cringed. "Oh God, that's definitely the sweetest thing I've ever tasted. What the fuck?" 

Tomura downed half of his piping hot coffee without regard for his tongue or throat and then popped off the lid of Touya's. He poured half of it into his coffee and then pushed his coffee towards Touya. "There. Bitter and sweet is always a good ship- I mean, uh, fix," he corrected himself. 

"Is your tongue okay? That was like boiling three seconds ago." 

"It's just completely burned, I'll be fine," he assured, taking a sip of what was left of that sweet abomination. "Oh shit," his whole body cringed. "Is this some endurance test?" 

"Are you two following me or something?" Kai frowned behind his mask and turned his head. Neither of the two T-names noticed he was even there until now. "Is this some new couple torture technique?" Well, at least Kai thought they were a couple. Bird boy over there was still sneaking glances. 

"Trust me, if I wanted to follow you, you wouldn't see me," Tomura leaned back in his chair.

"You drink coffee here? Aren't you too creeped out by public food germs?" 

"I like the smell of coffee and free wi-fi. I buy someone a coffee about every hour just so they don't kick me out for not ordering anything." 

"Oh, smart," Touya nodded in approval. 

"Is it okay if I ask you a stupid question?" Tomura leaned in closer to Kai. 

"I have a feeling you're going to ask me anyway." 

"Do you think I'm cuter than that Hawks guy?" Tomura pointed. Kai followed his finger and then laughed a bit. 

"You mean the one that was flirting with Touya? Well," he paused a little too long so Tomura lost all hope at that point and returned to leaning his head up against the window. "He looks like he works out more but honestly I find you more attractive." 

Touya spat out his coffee all over Tomura's face. "I wasn't expecting that." 

"Clearly," Tomura wiped his face on his sleeve, his hair all wet and clumped together now. Full-on chapped beauty revealed to the world. 

"Maybe I've just watched too many of your videos so I'm biased but I do think you're cuter," Kai assured. 

Tomura continued staring out the window trying to erase his existence the longer they stayed in this place. Worst decision of his life. Well, one of them. He should never have gone here. But, an impossible person showed up in his line of sight. "Fuck," he muttered, holding his head. "Am I seeing shit again?" 

"Are you good?" Touya asked. "You look a bit pale." 

"Let's just say helping you out with your daddy issues has given us both sleepless nights," Tomura replied. 

Tomura Shigaraki. Tomura jumped, spinning his head around looking for who said that, only no one did. He really was going crazy. "Shit. Shitshitshit." He stood up and pushed his way through the cafe to get out. Even in the open space of the sidewalk he still felt like the world was collapsing on him. 

"Hey," Touya reached out to grab Tomura's arm but someone else grabbed it before he could. 

"Excuse me, Tomura Shigaraki?" The same build. The same-sized hand. Tomura looked up at the man with terror all over his face. Was this the ghost of the man who adopted him coming back to haunt him? 

Glorious & Goth [Roses are red, Violets are...Purple? Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now