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In science fiction, "worldbuilding --a term dating to the 1970's-- describes the author's work at creating an imaginary planet or society in which to tell a story. This may include providing geographical details, words in invited languages, alternate histories, and the like. The term is not to be confused with "nation-building," a diplomatic term describing aid in helping societies build institutions such as courts, treasuries, and legislatures. 


Touya Todoroki, brother to Shouto Todoroki, son of [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. He stood at the door to his apartment with his sister outside and his little brother there with a bandage around his head and his first response was, "What the fuck?" 

"I know this is sudden, but we really can't let him stay in that place any longer. Please, take him in. It's gotten so bad," Fuyumi pleaded, shoving Shouto forward and looking around. 

"What about you?" he scratched the back of his neck and leaned against the door's post. His tattoos seemed to scream at him, reminding Touya why he got them in the first place. 

"I'll be okay. It wasn't ever as bad for me as it was for you two," she smiled weakly and walked away before another question could be asked. And so, that's how Shouto Todoroki ended up staying with an incompetent human that could barely take care of himself. If the bags under his eyes were any indication... this was going to be a different kind of worse for the kid. 

"Uhm," Touya closed the door and leaned up against it. Shouto stood, staring off into space, not even noticing that he was being addressed. "This is bad," Touya muttered. He really didn't know how to talk to people, let alone someone he ran away from (even if he wasn't running from Shouto, he did leave him behind when he moved out, and that was just as bad). Touya was an all-around shitty person (from his perspective). 

Luckily, he didn't see Shouto all that much. He was at work and Shouto was at home, doing, well, whatever it was that Shouto did. Somewhere along the line Shouto had opened up and gotten himself two boyfriends [see Roses are red, Violets are...purple? for more details] and now every time Touya returned home the three high school graduates were sitting on the couch. This must've turned into their new hideout. 

Touya opened the door to hear Bakugo yelling "It's not about the melons! It's about the revolution!" and, as much as he'd love to tell you that was shocking, it really wasn't. What was shocking was Bakugo standing in nothing but a towel wrapped around him with one foot on the coffee table and a fist in the air. 

"If you three are going to start a revolution could you at least warn me next time? Put a sock on the door handle so I don't have to walk in on your weird roleplay session," Touya sighed, closing the door. 

"Roleplay what?" Izuku's cheeks turned red and he hid his face in Shouto's shoulder. 

"I didn't think you'd be back so early," Shouto, completely unphased, replied to his brother while Bakugo jumped behind the couch to hide his shame. Touya didn't feel an explanation coming on, and he didn't really want one at this point either. 

"Why are you three here anyway? It's not like I have a TV to occupy you," Touya was about to ask more but, actually, did he really want to know what three young (and probably sexually active by now) young adults did in an apartment alone? Not really. "Don't answer that," he held up his hand. "And I'm serious about the sock thing. I don't care what you do here as long as you clean up after yourselves but I don't want to walk into a group of three people fu-" Shouto jumped up and slapped his hand over Touya's mouth. 

"Yes, we get it," he glanced back to Izuku who had steam exiting his ears from embarrassment. 

Touya removed Shouto's hand. "Great, no-" and fell over before he could finish his sentence. Shouto tried to catch him and failed, so he fell to the floor face first. 

"Is he dead?" Bakugo asked, poking his head out from behind the couch. 

"No, just sleeping. But he is too heavy for me to move so just-" 

"Do you have duct tape?" Bakugo's eyes lit up. 


"Duct tape, yellow duct tape." 

"I might have some red duct tape?" 

"Perfect, go get it!" Bakugo raced around the couch and squatted next to Touya. Shouto came back with the tape and Bakugo proceeded to pretend that Touya was a dead body by taping the area around him. "Let's make it look like a crime scene and send pictures to that chapped dude." 

"I don't think that's-" 

"Let's do it anyway," he grabbed Shouto's phone out of his hand and took a picture once his artwork was complete. Izuku crossed his arms on the couch and raised an eyebrow, not taking any part of this. 

Shouto: *sent attachment*

Shouto: Bro came home and became a dead body

Tomura: *is typing*

Tomura: If there ain't blood it ain't real

Bakugo looked at the phone a bit disappointed. He wanted more of a reaction for his handiwork. "Do you or do you not have ketchup?" 

Izuku stood up and snatched the phone from Bakugo. "You don't take pictures of the body at a crime scene unless you're the police. Stop it." 

"Aw, come on," Bakugo whined. "It's funny and he is the king of goth so like...he'd probably love it anyway." 

"He's going to be out for a few hours and it's getting kind of late. You two should probably go home," Shouto said. 

"But that's no fun," Bakugo and Izuku pouted in unison. Shouto sighed, unable to combat that. 

. . .

Hey, y'all it's a sequel but it's going to be more about Touya and his interactions with Tomura and Kai. I've also added warnings to the chapters... 

"Daisy" - safe for everyone to read, just a normal chapter

"Rose" - kinda like "rosy cheeks" there could be anything from hand-holding, a date, or like maybe an intimate kiss

"Violet" - nsfw scene somewhere

Glorious & Goth [Roses are red, Violets are...Purple? Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now