Daisy|Kick the Bucket

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Kick the Bucket
In the dialect spoken in East Anglia, the part of England north and east of London, the beam on which an animal such as a pig or chicken was hung upside down to be slaughtered was called the bucket. A victim that "kicked the bucket" was one that had been killed. That unpleasant expression gave rise to an innocuous way of saying "to die" that doesn't necessarily share the violence of the original. 


Shouto wasn't interested in why his brother was acting strange so much as he was interested in who was making him act this way. The person behind the scenes seemed more critical than the one on the front lines. Tomura was definitely playing a part here but there was something else. Hawks. Who the hell was Hawks? He hadn't shown up before and now he was carrying Touya in his arms? Shouto didn't like it. 

"Are you okay?" Izuku stared at him. "You've been staring off into space for quite some time now." 

"Who is Hawks?" Shouto continued staring off into space. 

"He is probably just someone your brother didn't talk to you about," Bakugo suggested. 

"My brother isn't the type to have very many friends," Shouto frowned slightly. "You two know of anyone that knows how to search people?" 

"You mean like a background search?" Izuku blinked. "You're really concerned about him, aren't you?" 

"He hasn't managed to sleep properly since that night and Hawks keeps showing up on our doorstep." 

"That doesn't necessarily mean he is a bad guy though, does it?" Izuku wasn't sure where Shouto was going with this. 

"Tomura wouldn't just sit back and let someone else interfere in his relationship. He has always been interested in my brother," Shouto crossed his arms and sighed. "None of this adds up." 

"Hello," Denki waved from across the sidewalk. "We don't usually end up in this neighborhood but it's nice to see you again," he smiled. "You three don't look too great though. Is everything okay?" he asked. Shinso scratched his neck and stood slightly behind and beside him. 

"Hi," he waved awkwardly, still not sure if he was properly forgiven. He didn't exactly care but he knew that Denki did which made everything more awkward for him. 

"My brother has been acting strangely," Shouto explained. "And so has his boyfriend." 

"He has a boyfriend?" this caught Denki's attention. His face flushed slightly. 

"Why are you getting all flustered?" Shinso rolled his eyes. "These three are dating too," he gestured to Shouto, Izuku, and Bakugo. 

"Y-you are?!" Denki gasped. 

"Did you forget or are you just an idiot to have not picked up on that last time?" Shinso shook his head, clearly disappointed. 

"Yeah, we're dating," Shouto nodded, grabbing Izuku's and Bakugo's hands. 

"The t-three of you?" Denki's face got redder. "Even though-" 

"I swear to God, Denki, if you say 'even though you're all guys' I am going to slap you," Shinso crossed his arms. He could feel his eyes rolling into the back of his head. If he had to roll his eyes one more time in the next minute they might just fall out of his face and roll away. Why did he have a crush on such a moron? 

"A-anyway," Shouto cleared his throat. "My brother seems to be having trouble with his relationship and a third party has shown up and interfered." 

"Sounds familiar," Bakugo glanced to Shinso, still not over what happened in the last fanfiction. Feel free to read more about that in 'Roses are Red, Violets are...Purple?'

Shouto continued, ignoring Bakugo's comment. "We were just about to try and brainstorm if anyone knew how to do background checks. This guy seems really suspicious." 

"If you want me to look into him," Shinso pointed to himself. "I can. I just need a few cups of coffee and an entire night." 

"Are you good with technology?" Shouto asked. 

"I've got a way with a keyboard," Shinso held up his hands and wiggled his fingers as if to type on the air. 

"You do?" Denki turned his head to look up at Shinso. "I thought you just gamed all night." 

"Well, I do that too, but I'm also very good at digging up dirt on people." Shinso shrugged. "We all have our hobbies." 

"Thanks," Shouto smiled sightly. "I really appreciate it." 

"Don't mention it," Shinso gave him a thumbs up. "I don't mind." 

"You can be nice when you want to," Denki slammed his hand down on Shinso's back and grinned. 

"I don't know about that," Shinso laughed awkwardly. 

"And on that, we can agree," Bakugo pointed. "Because I don't think you're all that kind either." 

"Don't be mean," Izuku frowned. 

"I said what I said," Bakugo crossed his arms, leaving it at that. 

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