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*WARNING: Mild dancing(?), Also use of alcohol ( i do not condone if ur under the age of 18/19) also yes this chapter is 100% inspired by this song,, also,, might be a long one*

Two weeks have past which meant the party was tonight and Adora couldn't be anymore excited. Her first college party, it was like a rush of excitement that she didn't know she had just ran through her body.


Adora chuckled at the text and started heading out. She saw Catra sitting on her bed, "Hey Catra, are you going?"

Catra, who was staring at her magazine answered, "Like I said Blondie, I might stop by, but don't worry. I'll most likely catch your attention."

Adora scoffed, "Of course, anyways how do I look?" Catra, still not looking, chuckled, "Blondie, you look.." She trailed off as she actually looked up at the blonde and her smiled faded.

Okay, she had to admit.. Adora. looked. beautiful. STUNNING even. Hell she couldn't even find words to describe her.

"You look amazing Adora." Catra said as she finally found her words. Adora blushed. She wanted to say something like tease her but she couldn't. Not when Catra was looking at her like, like that.

"Thanks, um, anywaysillseeyoulaterbye!" Adora said as she left the room and met up with Glimmer and Bow. "Adora! you look amazing!" Bow said. "Yea, I guess you caught Catra's eyes too, huh?" Glimmer teased. "C-Can we go to the party now, please?" Adora tried changing the subject.


The trio met up with Catra's friends who were Scorpia, Kylie, Rogelio, Mermista, and Seahawk (spicing things up)

"Hey Scorpia! Where's Catra?" Glimmer asked. "Hey guys! Hm, not really sure. But she said she'll be here soon!" Scorpia smiled.

Once they greeted each other they all decided to go dancing. Everyone, except for Adora who just stayed by the table and drank a few drinks.
Then a dark haired dude with sunglasses and a hat came up to her, "Hey hottie, care to dance?"
Adora politely shook her head, "No thanks, I don't really dance."
The sunglasses dude scoffed, "with that body? You totally should." Adora looked a bit uncomfortable at this point and didn't know what to do.

"Hey hetero back off, she said she doesn't want to.Besides, she's with me." A voice called out at him. Adora looked at where the voice came from, "Catra?"
The sunglasses dude took this as a sign to leave. "Hey Adora~. What are you doing all alone here?" Catra asked.

Adora looked at the brown haired girl, "Catra, are you drunk?" Catra laughed, "I wish! Anyways, you wanna dance?" Adora looked stunned, "Are you sure? You don't look like the type."

Catra cracked a laugh again, "I know I don't, but I really like this song. So?" Adora looked at the hand Catra was holding out. She had to admit, this song is good.

Adora took Catra's hand as a yes and followed her to the dance floor. Catra then started grooving along with the song as Adora laughed and did as well. "Okay are you sure you're not drunk?"

Catra shrugged, "Hey I had a few, but I'm pretty stabled to know what's happening." Catra then took Adora's hand and spun her around. Adora was then basically grind dancing on Catra, but not really. Yea if that made sense.

Catra then spun Adora back around and pulled her in close to her. Adora having no single clue of what she was doing, put her hands around Catra's neck.

Said that we're not lovers.

Catra then put her hands on Adora's waist, "You don't really dance, hmm?" Catra smirked as she whispered in the blonde's ear.

We're just strangers.

This sent shivers down Adora's spine. She had no idea as to why she felt this way around Catra.

With the same damn hunger.

She basically considered Catra as her best friend. "Don't push your luck." Adora teased as she moved in closer to the girl.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time.. everyone except-

"Who's that with Catra?" A girl named Lonnie asked. Glimmer wondering why this girl who she was standing next to as she went to get a glass of water answered. "That's Adora, her roommate."

"Roommate huh?" Lonnie scoffed as she took a sip of her drink, "Little to close for comfort to be just a roommate."
Glimmer was about to open her mouth until, "She seems pretty happy Lonnie, why don't you just leave her alone?" Mermista butted in. "Besides you're not her girlfriend anymore." She added.

Lonnie scoffed and walked away leaving a smugged Mermista and a confused Glimmer. Mermista looked at her and sighed, "Don't worry about Lonnie, she gets jealous over things that are basically her fault." Glimmer looked back at the two girl dancing as Mermista took a sip of her drink. "huh." Is all Glimmer said as she took a sip of her water.

"Wow Blondie, have you been practically dancing all your life?" Catra teased as she looked at Adora. "Don't flatter me, Kitten." Adora laugh and then stopped. Catra looked at her amused, "Kitten huh?"

"I-I'm sorry that's was probably weird-" "No i liked it." Adora looked at Catra who smirked. "I have a nickname for you, you have a nickname for me, simple. " Catra hummed.

"Well all best friends have nicknames for each other." Adora smiled.

Catra looked at the blonde and grinned, "Glad to be considered a new member of your crew." She teased.

"Again don't push it."

Catra laughed, "Just teasing." They then started focusing on dancing once again. Since when did they get this close to each other? There was literally no space between them for air. Adora, however kept her focus on Catra. Catra has freckles, huh, that's cute. WAIT! Adora was stunned by her thought. I don't like Catra like that, she's my friend, best friends can say they're cute, right?

With the same damn hunger.

Adora didn't even notice that she was leaning towards Catra even more.

Catra didn't even notice that she was leaning towards Adora even more.

They looked at each other.

Her lips look soft.

They shared the same thought and were hesitate

To be touched to be loved to feel anything..

They waited for each other's move

at all.

But it never came.

✨🏳️‍🌈Until next time🏳️‍🌈✨

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