New Confessions

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p h e w c h i l e 👁👄👁

" Hey Blondie! You're back, sorry about your break up with Sam." Catra said with a soft smile.

Adora closed the door behind her and exchanged the gesture, "Naw it's okay, I'm fine." Adora put her bag down beside her bed and laid on it. Catra propped up on elbow as she looked at the blonde, "Are..Are you sure? You two were together for quite some time."

Adora smiled, "I'm fine, really.But can I..ask something?"

Catra sat up and nodded, "Um..yea? What's up?" Adora sat up and looked back at her, "I don't know, you wanna tell me?"

Holy shit she knows!

"Um, I have no idea what you're talking about?" Catra made it come out more of a question. Adora smiled as she stood up only to sit next to Catra. She laid her hand on top of Catra's and smiled, "You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

Catra sighed, "..Can I really tell you anything?" Adora nodded. Catra took a deep breathe, "Okay..Look the truth is, Adora I- wait."

Catra cut herself off and Adora looked at her confused. "Can you tell me what I'm suppose to tell you so I don't look like an idiot?"

Adora nodded dumb folded, "That you were dating Sam?"

Catra faced palmed. Uhh, what?

"Ohh, that. Um, never popped up?" Catra questioned again. Adora sighed, "Catra..We're friends, the last thing I'd want to do is hurt you." Catra noticed they were still holding hands, "Uhhh.."

Is this where I gay panic now?

Catra squeezed Adora's hand and smiled, "I know, but you seem so happy with her and I didn't wanna ruin anything. Plus, Sam and I weren't that serious." She laughed. Adora smiled, "Well, now I'm not with her anymore but thank you for telling me." "About that, why aren't you two together anymore?" Catra laughed.

Adora's smiled faded away. Can I tell her?

It shouldn't be a problem since Sam is safely away from Lonnie and Lonnie isn't harassing any of them anymore. Adora sighed and got up, letting go of Catra's hand in the process.

"Sam and I..weren't actually dating." Adora said quietly. Catra's eyes widen, "W-What?" "We weren't together, I mean we were, but not necessarily- I-um-soo," Adora took a deep breathe, "SamandIwereonlytogetherbecausesheneededtobuytimetoleaveLonniesowepretendedtodateand-"

"WOAH! Blondie, slow down," Catra giggled, "Now, tell me." Adora sighed, "Okay, Sam needed to pick up some dirt against us for Lonnie or Lonnie was going to kick her out of the dorm." Catra looked shocked, "So, she only dated us..for that reason?" Adora looked at Catra with sad eyes, " I'm so sorry you had to find out like this, Catra. You know I never wanted to hurt you."

Catra stood up and smiled, she then pulled Adora into a loving hug, "It's okay, Blondie..If I'm honest, me and her weren't going to ever work out anyways." Adora gasped, then smiled and exchanged the hug, "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you.But now Lonnie won't harass us anymore."

"I highly doubt that, but let's hope you're right." Catra giggled as they parted a bit.

Then, that feeling came back again.

The feeling from the party.

But only Catra could put a finger on it.

They exchanged glances and locked eyes. They slowly leaned in a bit, but not too close.

"Listen, Adora..I-If we're being honest, there's something I should tell you.." Catra whispered a bit, blushing. "Yea?" Adora whispered back. One of Catra's hands somehow found its way to Adora's neck, hesitating to pull her in.

Fuck it!

Catra thought as she slowly pulled Adora in..

They were alone.

Just them.

No one else.

No interruption.

It's too good to be true.

Surprisingly, Adora let Catra pull her in.

"Adora..I-I like-"




The last bit made them pull away from each other fast as they nervously laughed. "In a bit!" Adora yelled back knowing it was D.T and Glimmer.

How did they meet that fast?

"Um, what were you saying?" Catra smiled sheepishly, "I, uh, I like your honesty. He he."

Yea, nice save idiot. She thought to herself.

Adora smile, "Awe, thanks Catra. I like your honesty too." But I wasn't halfway of being honest..

"We should probably go then." Adora smiled as she opened the door, seeing the two happily smirking. Catra smiled, "Yea.."

She was right, It was too good to be true.

I know I say this A LOT but I swear that it gets spicer..for the sake of you catradora fans ah ha-

🌈Until next time

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