Chapter 2

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(Kaya's POV)

Me and my siblings took the bus to school I noticed a boy with dark brown hair around my age sitting behind the last two seats of the bus. I guess I kinda felt bad, so I went to sit next to him.

Kaya: Hey?

???: Are you Kaya Watterson?

Kaya: Uhm... yes...? How did you know my name?

Is this guy stalking me!?

???: Wait you don't remember me? It's me! KO!!

I was so shocked!!!! It was my childhood best friend!!!!!

Kaya: KO! It's so great to see you again

KO: Yeah! I kinda missed you

Kaya: I've missed you too!

I sat next to KO and started the conversation. KO told me all of his adventures in a place called "gars bodega", and made some awesome friends named Rad and Enid.

Kaya: Wow! That sounds... Interesting!

KO: It is! I also told them about you!

Kaya: Oh wait really!?

KO: Yeah! I even told them some of your favorite things

Kaya: WHAT!!!!!

KO: S-sorry!

Kaya: I'm just joking lameo!!


(KO's POV)

Me and Kaya still kept on the conversation. It was nice to see Kaya again, just don't tell her this.... I have a crush on her! Well she doesn't even know... infact I always feel Kaya only sees me as a friend nothing else.

We got to school after 5 minutes. Everyone got off the bus.

KO: Hey Kaya?

Kaya: Hm?

KO: Do you know where the principal's office is?

Kaya: Yeah I do! Follow me

Kaya grabbed my hand and went inside the school. I was blushing so hard it looked like a apple or a tomato by now.

Kaya: Alright! Were here-- EEP! Are you okay? Your all red!

Kaya let go of my hand.

KO: Y-yeah! I-I-I'm o-o-okay!!!

Kaya: Uhm... sure????

KO: Y-yes!!! Just your typical Kaio Kincaid!

Kaya: Whatever you say!

Kaya told me all the info about Principal browm that she knows and head off to her class.

Principal Brown: Ah you must be the new kid

KO: Yes, I am sir.

Principal Brown: Mr. Kincaid, your class is with a teacher named Mr. Glitch

KO: Uhm... do you know where his class is Mr. Principal Brown sir

Principal Brown: Oh his class is the second door on the right

KO: Thanks

I walked off his office and went to the class I entered it.

Mr. Glitch: O-o-o-o-o-oh y-yo-you m-must b-b-b-be the n-ne-new k-kid

KO: Uhm... yes

Mr. Glitch: G-g-g-go s-s-s-sit n-next to b-b-b-bomb guy

KO: Uhm... who's---

???: IT'S ME!!! NITWIT!

The guy who have a bomb as a head startled me. I wish I have the same class as Kaya's!

KO: O-oh o-okay then

I gulped in fear as I sat next to him.
Mr. Glith then started the class I noticed that everyone here looks kinda scary. THIS DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A CLASS!!! This MORE looks like DETENTION OR PRISON OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!!

BG: Hey your new right?

KO:(gulps) Y-yes...? W-why do you ask?

BG: Wanna join our gang?

Gang!? There's NO way am I joining this guy's gang!

KO: No thanks! I ain't interested!!!!

BG: And give me one good reason why!

KO: Because uhm... it's because I hate gangsters!!!! So that's a big fat NO!!!

BG: Ugh! Your one tough one huh? I'll give you two weeks to decide if you wanna be a part of my gang!

Didn't this guy get it!? I said NO!!! I just rolled my eyes as I continue on writing a note to Kaya.

I really do like,like her!!! I just hope she feels the same way.

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