Chapter 4

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(Kaya's POV)

I saw KO waiting by my locker so I walked toward's him.

Kaya: Hey KO!

KO: Oh hey Kaya

Kaya: What are you doing at my locker?

KO: I was just waiting for you okay!?

Kaya: Okay then

I noticed a envolope in his hand.

Kaya: Why do you have an envolope on your hand?

KO: O-oh! Nothing I just wanna give this to you so I waited on your locker to give this to you

Kaya: Seriously?

KO: Hey! I don't know your combination on your locker

Kaya: Okay fine

KO: And here you should read it...

KO was nervous when he handed me the letter I guess I was also nervous and blushing a little bit. I took it from his hand and started reading it,

Can we hang out at my house after school? I just wanna hang out with you again...

I looked at KO and gave him a small smile.

Kaya: Sorry but I can't hang out with you after school but we can hang out soon

KO: Really?

Kaya: Yup! I mean I also missed hanging out with you!

KO: Okay then! But why not today though?

Kaya: Well I have a test to study so maybe I don't have time

KO: Oh it's okay though I understand see you soon?

Kaya: See you soon

KO left to go to the cafetiara I went to the cafetiara aswell. I was greeted by a orange puppet named Rocky Robinsons. After I got my lunch I went to find a table.
I saw Gumball and Darwin who waved at me so I sat to them.

Darwin: Carrie Kruger~

Kaya: Darwin you okay?

Darwin: Uh-huh yeah I am

Kaya:*whispers to Gumball* What's up with Darwin today?

Gumball: I don't know! Everytime he sees Carrie his eyes just turns hearth and blush so hard!!!

Kaya: OMG! Gumball! Don't you think Darwin is inlove~?

Gumball: What make's you say that?

Kaya: Well blushing,hearth shape eyes,and thinking about her!?!? THAT'S LOVE TRISTOPHER(Gumball's real name) WATTERSON!!!!

Gumball: I GET IT,I GET IT!!! Just don't yell my real name that loud!!!!

Kaya: What? Why?

Gumball: N-nothing! Just don't mention it!!!

Kaya: Geez fine then Gummypuss!!!

Darwin: Carrie~

Darwin kept mumbling "Carrie" or "Carrie Kruger".

Kaya: Hey Gumball?

Gumball: Yeah?

Kaya: Who's Carrie?(this was before Kaya met Carrie)

Gumball: Oh Darwin's crush ever since we entered Elmore juniour high

Kaya: Oh okay then

After lunch we went to class luckily Miss Simean's not even there so I can countinue reading the book.
I grabbed the book from my bag and removed the bookmark and started reading.

Miss Simean: Alright class is starting!!!!

I panicked and hid the book in my bag as fast as I could.

Miss Simean: What were you hiding Mrs. Watterson?

Kaya: Wh-who!? M-me??

Miss Simean: Yes you Kaya Watterson

Kaya:(Oh crap! I'm exposed!!!!) What is it Miss Simean???

Miss Simean: Are you hiding something!?

Kaya: *laughs nervously* WH-WHAT!!!!! N-NO I-I'M NOT HIDING SOMETHING MISS SIMEAN!!!

Miss Simean: Okay then Mrs. Watterson

Wait just like that!?!? Phew! Atleast she's not that suspicous.

Well this is short sorry I ran out of ideas. Okay for all those people who knows Darwin's age maybe confused. Both Kaya and Darwin are 10 years old,so who's older??? Darwin's older than Kaya. So people wouldn't get confused about who's older and who's youngrr.


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