Chapter 3

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(Kaya's POV)

I woke up it was 6:00 am I sat up on my bed rubbed my eyes. Half of my hair was covering my eye I think I need to get myself a haircut but it was short enough so I just shrugged it off.

I got off my bed and started brushing my teeth. After I brushed my teeth I walked down to the living room to my surprise to see mom there she looked tired.

Kaya: Hey mom?

Mom:*yawns*What is it sweetie?

Kaya: You looked tired

Mom: Oh don't mind it honey I'm okay I'm just on my night shift

Kaya: Isn't a night shift a little too hard?

Mom: Oh Kaya don't worry I can handle it--

Mom fell asleep again. I decided to make breakfast I then noticed Dad sleeping on the couch.

Kaya: Maybe he watched TV all night

I then started making breakfast.I only made what I can cook. Hey I maybe 10 years old but that doesn't mean I'm a fast learner!! On a few things only!

After I was done I carried mom to the couch after I did it felt like my back was gonna explode from the exhaustion. I then went up Gumball,Darwin,my,and Anais' room.

Kaya: Gumball,Darwin,Anais breakfast's ready!!!!

Gumball: NoOoOooooOoooOoO!!! I dOn'T wAnNa gEt Up YeT!!!! 5 mOrE MiNuTeS!!!!!

Darwin: NoPe nO tHaNkS KaYa

Anais: I'm up

Anais said as she got off her bed.

Kaya: Your pretty mature and responsible for a 4 year old

Anais: Well you already know me I'm all about mature and education!

Kaya: Whatever

Anais: Aren't you coming?

Kaya: I still have to wake up Gumball and Darwin

Anais: Well whatever you say

Anais left our room and I tried to find a way to wake these two sleepy heads. An idea popped in my head! Like a lightbulb!

So I grabbed a horn and pressed the button making a loud noise sure enough they both wake up.



Kaya: Okay then

I stopped making the siren noise I put earplugs(how how can see hear you may ask? One answer LOGIC~Elise=writer) so I can't hear the siren I removed the earplugs and threw it away.

Kaya: You guys really need to learn how to wake up during a school day!

Gumball: Y-yeah I know!!!

Darwin: L-let's j-just g-go d-dude b-before Kaya make the s-siren n-noise again

Gumball and Darwin walked out of the room I put away the siren and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Anais: Kaya did you made this!?

Kaya: Yes? Why?

Anais: IT'S SO GOOD! Are you planning to be a chef?

Kaya: No I'm not planning to be a chef but I am planning to be a explorer or an author

Anais: Okay then!

Anais said as she continued eating the french toast I made. I sat beside her and ate the lasagna I made.

I then noticed Gumball and Darwin looked sleepy did those two just stay up late at night playing video games!?

After breakfast the four of us took a bath(in line outside the bathroom ofcourse!!~Elise=writer)



Gumball: Can't you just be patience!?

Kaya: You've been there for 14 minutes!!! It's our turn!!!

Gumball: 5 more minutes!!!!

Kaya: That's what you said when I tried to wake you and Darwin up!!!

After the arguements are over all of us took turns again on the bathroom. After I took a bath I changed into my usual clothes, and put on my shoes, put all the stuff I needed for shool in my bag, and walked downstairs.

I opened the front door and closed it behind me. I then waited for the bus, I then noticed Anais running as fast as she could to my spot.

Kaya: Took you long enough

Anais: HEY! Not my fault you took FOREVER in the bathroom!

Kaya: I'm just joking! And you do know I just only took 9 minutes?

Anais froze and then started blushing from the embarrasment. The bus finally arrived me and Anais got on board.

Gumball: WAIT!!! STOP THE BUS!!!!

Gumball and Darwin ran to catch up to the bus after it drove off without them.

Kaya: Should we...?

Anais: Nope they have to learn to catch up on the right timing

Kaya: Okay then

I didn't know what to do while on board the bus but then I realized that maybe I should read a book!

I grabbed my bag and pulled out a history book and started reading.

???: Oh whoops sorry my bad my love~!

???: Oh Alan! I forgive you~

I heard some people giggling when I turned around I saw a balloon and a cactus giggling and flirting with each other.

Kaya: Who're they?

Anais: Oh the balloon one is Alan the cactus one is Carmen their dating

Kaya: Make's sense of the flirting and giggling thing

I countinued reading the book after 5 minutes we finally got to school me,Anais and all the students got off the bus.

Kaya: Hey I'm just gonna go to the library for a little while

Anais: Okay then see you soon

I walked to the library I searched for a book until I noticed a brown book with nothing on the cover. I grabbed it and blew the dust off.

I went to the librarian on the desk.

Kaya: Uhm... excuse me

Librarian: What is it?

Kaya: What is this book all about?

I showed her the book.

Librarian: Oh that book it have been here for more than 8 years but you can have it if you want

Kaya: Wait really? Isn't that against the rules of the library?

Librarian: No it's not you seem like a sweet girl you can keep it for aslong as you want

Kaya: Thank you miss!

Librarian: No problem now go on before your late class

I left the library and ran as fast as I can to my class. I made it I wasn't late.

I went to my desk and opened the book and started reading it,

Entry ****

There was a world called "The Overworld" was a peaceful place until the nether horde had attacked it. A place called "The Froustbourne kingdom" was the people who fought back through the war of the nether. They'd won the war and the nether retreated there is peace once again but they still believe that the nether will come back and rise once again...

This is kinda getting interesting(I'm getting rainimator vibes now XD~Elise=writer) when I was gonna countinue reading class started so I hid the book in my bag. I'm gonna countinue it later at lunch.

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