Chapter One

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Estella was out on deck with Zuko's Uncle Iroh, playing a game of Pai Sho with him. Zuko was out on deck pacing around as Estella sighed and made her move.
"Estella why are you playing that old game with Uncle?" Zuko suddenly asked her as She turned to face him.
"It passes time while we wait for a miracle Zuko. Who knows how long we'll be stuck out here in sea," She responded while Iroh made another move.
Zuko only rolled his eyes but gasped as a bright light began shooting from the sky.
"UNCLE! ESTELLA! LOOK!" Zuko pointed out as She ran to him to get a better look.
Estella began smiling.
"Zuko do you know what this means?" She asked him giggling as he wrapped her in a hug and twirled her around.
"ITS THE AVATAR! It's really the Avatar!" He shouted just as excited as She giggled.
Iroh only shook his head but couldn't help with a small smile forming. If only his nephew can see how right they are for each other.
"Calm down you two it doesn't mean anything," Iroh says while patiently waiting for Estella to come back so they can finish their game.
"That light came from a very incredible powerful source! It has to be him!"
"I agree Iroh, its no other explanation! It's the Avatar!" Estella defends with a proud smile on her face.
Finding the avatar means the two teenagers can go home. Although Estella was never banished, there was no way in hell was she leaving Zuko to defend himself alone.
"Or it's just the celestial lights Estella. We've been down this road before, Estella and Prince Zuko. I don't want you two to get too excited over nothing. Please, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea? And Estella come finish the game with me?"
Estella's shoulders slumped in defeat knowing that he could be right as Zuko shook his head in anger.
"Estella doesn't want to play your Pai Sho game and  I don't need any calming tea! We need to capture the Avatar. Helmsman, head a course for the light!" Zuko ordered as he nodded.
Zuko was pacing around eagerly now as Estella stood and watched him. He stopped as he suddenly laughed as she rose an eyebrow at him.
"I can't believe after three years we get to go home, and you get to be with your sister again. Everything will be back to the way it was, our daily walks at night, us going to the pond to feed the ducks, and i get my fathers love, this is all happening so fast Estella," he says smiling at her as she softly smiled back her eyes shinning.
"I know Zuko, everything will be back to normal,"
"Come here," he says opening his arms as she smiled and accepted the hug as her arms wrapped around his.
It was Sunset as Zuko was on deck sparring with the crew members. Estella day with Iroh watching him. Although she couldn't fire bend she was like her twin who used knifes and was an excellent knife thrower as well as a swordsman.
"Again," Iroh says to Zuko as Zuko blasts fire from his hands at the guards, but misses. Then the guards attack Zuko with blasts of fire from their fists, but Zuko dodges. He back flips over the guards to land behind them. He lets out a battle cry as Iroh signs and gets up.
"No! Power in firebending comes from the breath. Not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire, Iroh explains as he demonstrates, releasing a controlling plume of flame that bursts in front of Zuko, but does not hit him. "Get it right this time,"
"Enough. I've been drilling this sequence all day. Teach me the next set. I'm more than ready I would also like a day with just me and Estella! Not practicing this move again!" Zuko yells causing Estella to blush lightly.
"No, you are impatient. Your not going to hang out with Estella right now, You have yet to master your basics. Drill it again!"
"Iroh-" Estella began but Zuko had let out a loud yell as He blasts one of the guards backwards with a gout of fire.
"The sages tell us that the Avatar is the last airbender. He must be over a hundred years old by now. He's had a century to master the four elements. I'll need more than basic firebending to defeat him. You WILL teach me the advanced set! I have to protect Estella at all costs please Uncle she means more to me than you know!"
Iroh sighed and looked over at her as she was looking over at him.
"Very well. But first I must finish my roast duck. Num num... num," he says as he began eating as Estella only giggled.
A/N : new chapter new story the other one wasn't working out well! Hope you enjoy don't forget to Vote or comment! Also, have you checked out my trailer for Baby Gilbert? It's in my book and on my conversation page

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