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"Was our meet and our dating was all planned?"

Yeonjun looking at Soobin eyes. His eyes is full of questions and mad at him at the same time.

"I can explain that" he says, "at first when I was given that work to protect you, I was so scared. I'm scared to know that you NEED to be protected. I'm scared of losing you. I'm sorry that I didnt confess to you before I was given that work. I just didnt expect that I will handle this. I'm sorry."

Soobin nodded slowly. He suddenly feel bad for Yeonjun. He understood why he need to hide his job.
"I'm sorry for you too. I'm mad for no reason"

"It's okay"

"the court thing is our practice too. It's for something. I'll explain to you soon"

don't worry I kind of expect that after you told me about your spy thing" Soobin say.

They both went silent. Both of them don't know what to say next.

"Soobin. I think I need to go now"

"W-where are you going?" Soobin ask.

"I'm sorry for hurting you" He say.

"What? No it's all in the past!" He touch Yeonjun cheeks. The oldest has the warm he haven't felt for so long.

"No I need to, lets meet again when the time comes. Let's meet when we both fix each other first. I want us to meet when everything fine" Yeonjun turn around and  walked to the door.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun leaving him slowly. It's hurt them but he know he cant stop Yeonjun.

"Bye" The door closed.

3 years later

Soobin has fully adapted to his new life. He is now a CEO of his mother company. He couldn't accept it at first because his mom leave him alone and ignore him. But slowly he understand his mom need to protect him. Second after he fully understand his mom, he couldn't accept because he scared he couldn't be the best but with his mother encouragement towards him and other people, he slowly trust himself and then here he is now. He become the most famous CEO for his good appearance and make everyone fell for him. His friend have convince him to quickly date since the opportunity is wide open for him to date.


He sitting at his office table. He looked outside. He suddenly remember how and when the last day he work at his old company. It feels heavy to leave all his friend behind but it his final choice he have made up. He remember how he hates to be a leader of everyone but there he now is being a ceo of top 5 big company in seoul.

Everyone want what he have. Sometimes he feel like he don't deserve all this out of nowhere. When he come two years ago, the company is already big and he just arrive there.
But seeing everyone at the company being supportive towards him make him feel he is not left out.

"Soobin hyung!" He startled. He saw Hueningkai running to him and hug him. "Ah you dont tell me you come today"

"You dont answer my phone call so I just assume you are working but I checked and you are just looking somewhere else so"

"Fine I'm sorry my phone died and I'm just lazy to charge them so I just let them" He reply.

"You can't do that! What if I have emergency and you ignore me?" Hueningkai pouts. "Yeah yeah I'm wrong. By the way why are you coming today? We haven't meet for a week so this is so sudden?" He just realize he haven't hang out with his best friend for a week now.

"I brought you food. Let's eat" Hueningkai walked to the small meeting table at Soobin office. That office was pretty big so it take more than 10 second for them to walk from Soobin table to the meeting table.

BREAKING : Yeonjun X SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now