Goodbye Solaris

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Payload Specialist (PS) Charlie Beck [SUIT and AUDIO log transcript]

[16:35 23/Apr/2051] 

So...I fucked up hard...and well I'm fucked

[Rapid beeping]

Hang on let me turn that off I want to die in peace FOR GOD SAKE!

[Laughing/Crying] [SUIT: low.pressure.alarm - muted. low.O2.alarm - muted.]

Where was I? Oh yeah. So this is going to be my last... well everything, all because of a fucking drill. Who knew that a drill could cause an astronaut to get flung towards the sun. It's ironic really


I always loved the sun. That's why I was on The Solaris Station for my research about the sun as that's why The Solaris orbits the sun.

[Fans from within the helmet. Silence from PS Beck]

So I'm guessing when I transmit this the CESE (Coalition of Earth for Space Exploration) would want to know what the fuck actually happened... well guys I was out on my spacewalk to repair and do maintenance on a few solar cells on the starboard side of The Solaris. Like normal, I used the drill to unbolt a cell to repair it and my tether must have got court or something because then I felt a thud through me. So something had to have shattered and flew towards my visor. My ears popped... so something must have gone... gone fucking through. I.I...I er can't remember anything else

[Weeping then a deep breath]

My sun visor must be fucked as I can feel my face has been burnt and I can feel a blob of blood under my snoopy cap. I have been turning myself away from the sun with the air coming out my glove cos... Well if I didn't I would be blinder than the Canadian astronaut who went blind during a spacewalk from our history books.

[Long high pitch beeping] [SUIT: O2.tank 11% remaning_alarm – active.]


[Screaming] [SUIT: Damage detected: DAMAGE REPORT - Left.glove_left.arm - SUIT BREACH DETECTED – damage 31% - increasing backfill of N2.] [SUIT: CO2 filter damaged – DAMAGE REPORT - ERROR_UNRESPONSIVE.]

Bollocks... I've had a fucking paddy and now fucked myself harder SHIT! But at least I can say I went down with a fight... with my spacesuit. I buggered it but I still had a fight and fucked it up more!

[laughing then a Deep Breathing from PS BECK]

I'm pretty close to the sun now I can feel it. It's really hot. I'm going to transmit this now before it's too late.

[SUIT: transmission from SUIT.LOG to SOL.STN searching for SOL.STN SIGNAL]

Good, I want the last moments of my life to be used for good so CESE knows what happened and that I haven't just fucked up and going to die and no one knows why.

[Beeping. PS BECK - deep breathing ] [SUIT: CO2.level - 1%.updated - 2%. O2.tank - 5%_remaining. N2.Tank - 4%_remaining.]

I'm starting to feel sleepy... I think. The CO2 is getting high. I know humans pass out at...errr... four percent? Anyway, let's stop thinking about the inevitable and...Erm...

[Beeping from alarms. Silence from PS BECK – 16:38]

16:42 – [SUIT: CO2.level - 3%. O2.tank 10.5%_remaining. N2.tank - 5%_remaining - BACKFILL TERMINATED N2 BELOW 5%. EMERGENCY OXYGEN BACKFILL ENGAGED.] HEAT.ALARM: SUIT_97_degrees.Centigrade]

16:44 [Coughing and slurring speech]

Shit... I must have fallen asleep crap. It's really fucking hot. Mum and Dad, this is the last time you will ever hear my voice and I want to say that I love you. I hope I made you proud... Alex my love I love you so much with all of my heart I'm sorry to leave like this and I hope you and Doug the best as even without me were still a family... I love you... all but I... want to see the sun...

[Screaming...silence from PS BECK]



16:58 [SUIT: Transmission.sent][SUIT: MEDICAL ALERT: astronaut.PS.BECK UNRESPONSIVE - 0BPM - duration.<5mins - astronaut.PS.BECK_life status_DECEASED]


17:03 [SUIT: SEVERE.HEAT.DAMAGE – HEAT: ERROR_ABOVE_400_degrees_Centigrade]



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