Chapter 1(Rewritten)

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There was an abundance of trees that the flowers grew from everywhere around the Agatsuma estate. Ever since I was young, I have always loved sitting beneath them, gazing at the beautiful flowers they produce as a feeling of tranquility and nostalgia fill the air.

Sometimes Tojuro, my childhood friend would come with me and we'd lay beneath them as Yoshiteru, my cousin would drone on and on about a book his grandfather had written, 'The legend of Zenitsu', a tale where our great grandparents and their friends went on to save Japan from the creatures of the night who preyed on human flesh.

To most people, it would sound like a fairytale a man wrote to seem like a hero to his children. That's what my brother Kanata and my cousin Touko, Yoshiteru's sister thinks too. That everything was make-believe, a work of fiction. But there was always something odd about it, like it was more than what meets the eye, a feeling of de-ja vu.

It's like the time I jumped out of my bedroom window. I was five years old at the time and Kanata was six. We were playing swordsmen inside our room when I accidentally knocked my favourite teddy bear outside the window. And without thinking I jumped out after it.

I remember my mom screaming when I jumped, my brother crying from fear. I found myself moving my body through the air, navigating from window to window before safely landing on my feet. My movements, the way my heart beat slowed down, my blood pumping in my ears as I breathed softly and my mind cleared. It was like I did these movements over and over, many times before.

I got the biggest lecture of my life that day and Kanata couldn't stop crying, even after I reassured him I was fine and promising that I would never do it again. But that was a lie, I still jump from my window till this day, even if I get my butt spanked for it.

Gradually I forgot all about that story and I too, started to think of it as a work of fiction.

And then life was seemingly normal after that.


"Hai!" I  jumped out of my seat. The snickers that rung around me caused me to flush in embarrassment.

"Glad to see your finally back to the present Mr Kamado. Please take a seat" I immediately apologized before sitting back down and burying my face into my folded arms.

And as I began to pay attention in class the thoughts about demon's and swordsmen was washed away from my mind as the piece of wisteria I had on my desk blew away in the wind.

So guess who's back after 3 years of abandoning this story? ME!

I have decided to rewrite this, my first ever fanfiction of demon slayer! I'm so excited. Please look forward to it, I'm hoping to not abandon it this time!

Demon Slayer: In Another Life (Modern Au/Timeskip)•|• RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now