Chapter 2

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Loud alarms blared, piercing the silence as the facility was bathed in the red flashing light.

Aoba's heart pounded in his chest as he ran through its halls, his vision blurry. The containment center had been breached and the lab was being evacuated. The experiment they were doing was a bust, a failure as the averse side effects took hold and turned their volunteers into something that came out of nightmares.

Panting, Aoba burst through the doors to the stairwell and began his descent, holding his small flashlight in front of him as he scampered down, tripping over his feet as he goes. Slamming the nearest door to him, Aoba took a daring sprint as he navigated his way through the lab and towards his work station.

Placing the flashlight into his mouth, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a set of keys, fumbling as he reached to open the cabinet and shift through his it, finding the file he was looking for. Slamming the cabinet shut, Aoba stuffed the file into his shirt and hugged it as he turned swiftly on his feet and bolted out of the labs and back into the hallway.

Abruptly turning left, Aoba came to a halt, his breath hitched. Hunched down on both its legs, the creatures hands ripped into the scientist withering beneath it, tearing away her flesh as it fed. The squenching noise sounded so loud as if it was right beside his ears and the stench of iron clung to the walls.

Trembling in fear, Aoba slowly backed away, his heart pounding painfully with his hands tightening around his chest. Gasping, he accidentally dropped the flashlight in his grasp, the noise of its fall causing the monster to fall silent, its back stiff and alert.

Tears weld into Aoba's eyes as he froze, staring ahead of him. Slowly, the creature stood on its legs, its lean torso hunched over with huge bumps that leaked blood and puss squirting out as he straightened up. Its hand were stained in blood with guts and flesh sticking between its nails. Suddenly its head snapped back, its neck bent at an odd angle that would've surely broken the neck of a normal human.

Staring Aoba in the eye, the monster shrieked as it flung itself at him and all he could do was scream.


I will be updating once a month on a tuesday. This chapter is subjected to be edited and/or slightly rewritten.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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