The Plan

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All of team flash was in the cortex when Cisco spoke up and said, "We should do something and not just sit here." Barry then said, "Yeah this is the first time in a long time that we do not have a meta or some supervillain." Cisco snapped his fingers and said, "I have the perfect idea we should have a team flash game night here at S.T.A.R. Labs." Iris looked at Cisco and nods. "Yeah, that would be fun," she said. Caitlin said, "I'm in." Joe could not go because he had to be at the precinct. Jesse asked her dad if she could go and he said, "Yes," after every one convinced him to let her go. Wally then came into the cortex and said, "what are we doing?" Cisco replied, "team flash game night you in?" "Yes," Wally said, "I could use a break." With that, they all started to plan the team flash game night.

(Sorry there is like no snowbarry in this. I will try to put a lot more in the next chapter.)

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