Game Night

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When everyone was done with work, they all went to their houses and got ready. They all went back to S.T.A.R. labs when they were done and meet in the cortex. The first one there was Caitlin. Caitlin looked over when she heard someone coming and saw it was Barry, but Iris was not with him so she asked him, "Where  is Iris?" "She did not want to get her hair messed up," he laughs. Caitlin laughs as well and then says, "I wonder what Cisco has planed, he said he has a whole game night planned out." "Yeah," he says back and with that Jesse and Wally walked in, and a minute later, Iris walks in. They all look a little scared because they have no clue what Cisco has planned. They all are silent until Cisco comes in. He has a lot of food with him. Cisco says when he walks in, "Are we ready to get this party started!" Barry looks up and says, "I guess." Cisco looks at all of them and says, "Come with me I have set up something for all of us."  They all stand up and go to where Cisco is leading them to. They walk into the speed lab and all of them but Cisco says, "Wow." There are tables filled with food, two empty tables, that Cisco went and set the food that was in his hands on. There is a fort and L.E.D. lights all over the place. "You guys like it," Cisco asked with a smile on his face. "Yeah, dude! But when did you have the time to make all this," Barry asked with his mouth open. "When you guys went to your houses I was setting up this," he says with pride. "Ok let's get this game night started!" Cisco yells and with that, they get the game night started. They end up playing UNO, eating snacks, talking, and a lot more fun things, till it is time for the game Cisco planned. Cisco has always shipped Barry and Caitlin, so he made an app that will help his ship happen. It will look like it randomly put Barry and Caitlin together but it did not. So when they are all in their pairs Barry and Caitlin will have to kiss. The pairs are Caitlin and Barry, Cisco and Iris, but he is not really going to kiss her, and then Wally and Jesse. Cisco gets all of there attention and tells them the game. He begs and begs till they give in. He opens the app and it puts them in the pairs he rigged them to be in. They go in there pairs and look at one another. Barry and Caitlin look at each other and Barry said, "This is not going to be weird we are just friends." "Yeah" Caitlin says back, "It's not like it means something it is only a game." Cisco counts down, "on three, two, one." Barry and Caitlin kiss. After they kiss they look at each other. Iris breaks the silence and says, "I have to go" she does not even look up from her phone and it looks like she is texting someone. Little did Barry or anyone know Iris was cheating on Barry and was going to go to a guy's house. Jesse has to go as well because Harry said she could only go till 10:30. Wally goes as well because he's tired. That only leaves Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry. They all go to the fort and talk for a bit, till Cisco fake falls asleep. Barry and Caitlin decided that they should go to bed too so Barry runs to get three blankets. He puts one on Cisco, gives one to Caitlin, and has one for himself. Caitlin and Barry get set up to go to sleep. Barry puts an arm around Caitlin and Caitlin nuzzles her face in Barry's neck and with that, they fall asleep. Cisco opens his eyes and looks at them. He smiles and says, "Best game night ever." And then leaves.

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