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My tired eyes flutter open when I hear the sounds of rattling chains. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to focus but soon realization sets in as I observe the strange room I find myself in. Notably, the walls are beige and dingy while the floors are carpeted and covered with random trash.

The last thing I remember was being taken and shoved into a truck but it all went blank after that. I attempt to move my arms but my restraints won't let me, the chains keep my arms above my head and my legs are pulled apart by a rope. There's no way I'm escaping these. My cheeks become glazed with a glossy layer of tears. When I blink, they drip from my eyelids and soak my face though the gag keeps my cries silent.

I lay helplessly until I hear footsteps approaching. Of the three men, Lex is the only decent human being. I hope he is the one I have to deal with right now, he somewhat saved my life. Although I didn't really want to be saved, I'm still contemplating whether death would have been a better option. Some might say that I have survivor's guilt.

The door cracks open slowly to reveal Lex, a small sense of relief comes over me. "I know I have a lot to explain," he says quietly and closes the door behind himself.

"This was the only way. My friends would've killed you. I couldn't let that happen. After that talk we had, I started to question everything we were doing", Lex tells me as he pulls the gag out of my mouth.

I lick my lips now that I finally have the piece of cloth off my face, "Where am I?" I ask him with a shaky voice.

He leans in close, "I can't tell you that. I'm sorry but I promise it won't be that bad here. The others aren't gonna hurt you, the purge is over". He tries to reassure me but I'm no fool. The purge may be over but that doesn't mean that they won't still kill me.

"The purge doesn't matter. Your friends obviously don't care about rules", my defeated self shines through in my voice. Even hearing myself, I sound so different than normal.

Lex thinks for a moment then continues, "technically we haven't broken any laws. We kidnapped you during the purge, as long as we don't hurt you anymore it's not a crime"

I'm amazed by the mental gymnastics that this man can do. Does he really believe this? I'm not a lawyer but I'm sure that keeping someone hostage is illegal even if you took them during the purge.

Just as our conversation ends, Eli opens the door and joins us. He's the scariest of the bunch and the one in charge.

"Oh, she's awake!" He wickedly smiles then runs a hand through my hair. I pull away and he chuckles, "Welcome to your new life, no more being a spoiled princess".

"Go to hell!" I swear at him with more courage than I had in a long time. I figure if I'm going to die at the hands of him one day, I might as well show him how much I despise him.

Surprisingly he only shakes his head. He doesn't throw one single slap as I was expecting, "No swearing, slaves are supposed to be respectful" he squeezes my cheeks in his hand.

We stare each other down for a few seconds then he snatches the cloth from Lex, "Keep her gagged until I get back" he ties it around my mouth tightly. He leaves and quickly Lex comes to my side, "don't be difficult. It will only make it worst for you. I'm trying to keep you safe" he whispers to me. He's looked out for me so far so I guess I should listen to his warnings.

"Finally! I thought the bitch was in a comma or something" a voice from elsewhere in the house yells.

Seconds later Eli comes back with Damon, I roll my eyes at the sight of him.

"Your family didn't put up much of a fight, I almost feel sorry for you. I bet you grew up your whole life thinking daddy could protect you from any danger" Damon taunts me as he glances over my body.

His words cut deep because they're true. My father was my superhero. Teardrops slip at the thought. It's already my second time crying, how pathetic they must think I am. 

Eli is the first to notice, he pulls a napkin out of his pocket and handles my face gently, "Let me wipe away those tears. You don't have to worry, your new daddies will treat you right". Eli and Damon share a laugh but Lex stands stone-faced. At least he's not rubbing it in like his friends are.

When Eli gains his composure he jumps straight back into being the 'boss'. He orders them to unchain me. Blood rushes to my hands and feet. it's a major relief and I switch to a sitting position. 

"You hungry?" he inquires. I don't respond, all I do is stare up at the three men.

"Silent treatment I see. Come on you can talk to me, you just cursed at me earlier.", he threatens me with a serious expression on his face. The same look he had when he was killing everyone I loved.

"Yes..." I meekly give in to his demands.

"Huh? What was that? I didn't hear you" he bends down to me with a smirk.

"Yes, I'm hungry," I say louder, though I don't want to eat anything from them. They could be trying to poison or drug me.

"Get up, let's go get some breakfast", Eli lifts me by the arms then wraps a rope around my wrists.

The Purge: Part II (COMPLETED ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now