Frozen Heart

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It was a nice, cold, and winter night in Arendelle. The silence and peace going around the kingdom as everyone slept easily or work late for the night. The cheerful atmosphere died down as the night passes with no worries or interruption to anyone in the kingdom. Or so we thought. 

Soft footsteps were heard as it goes over to a bed where a sleeping prince sleeps. He was sleeping on his side as a little princess peeked over her older brother. "Elson!" Anna, the prince's little sister, whispered loudly where only he can hear. "Elson!" She tried once more and the prince grunted as she climbs on top of him and shakes his side. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"Anna, go back to sleep..." Elson mumbled softly as he tried to go back to sleep. "I can't!" Elson made another grunting sound as Anna laid on top of him and she continued. "The sky's awake, so I'm awake! So we have to play!" She exclaimed softly as she looked towards the ceiling of their shared room.

"Then go play by yourself." Elson lightly pushed her off his bed and she plops back down on the floor. Anna begins to think with a pout about how to persuade her dear brother until a thought came to her mind. She quickly got up from her feet and quickly ran out of her room towards a very familiar door she knows so well.

She softly opened the door and looked at the bed to see her target who was fast asleep as well. Anna closes the door behind her softly as she ran towards the bed and jumped on the person as a squeal came after she collided with the body.

"A-Anna...? What are you doing in my room?" A girl with (H/C) sat up slowly as she rubbed her eyes tiredly and yawned. She was Elson's childhood friend, as well as Anna's best friend. She's sleeping at the palace again since her parents haven't come back from their journey yet. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Anna asked her as the (H/C)'s eyes gave a small glint of joy at the thought of building a snowman with a certain prince came in her mind.

"Did Elson agreed to this?" The older girl asked as she slipped on her slippers. "That's the point I'm here, (Y/N)! He won't let me play with him!" Anna exclaimed dramatically as (Y/N) giggled from her friend's perspective. "I'll help you out, don't worry." (Y/N) grabbed Anna's hand as they went back to where the young prince is sleeping.

As they got there, (Y/N) softly and abruptly jumps on his bed and wraps her arms around Elson. Elson opens one eye to see his dear best friend smiling in front of him. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" She asked the same question Anna asked her. He began to smirk and wrapped his arms around her too as he nodding in approval.

"Yes!" They heard Anna squealed as they giggled/chuckled at her excitement. They let go of each other and went out of bed. Anna immediately grabs (Y/N)'s hand and out of instinct, (Y/N) grabbed Elson's hand as Anna dragged them towards the ballroom. Elson shushing his sister as she was making small noises. He was getting worried that they'll get caught by their parents, but he slowly calmed down as he held (Y/N)'s hand tightly.

The trio bursts thought the ballroom doors as Elson removed his hand on (Y/N)'s to shut the door with a smile. (Y/N) yelped as Anna yanked her towards the center and they spun around. After they stopped spinning, Elson chuckled to see (Y/N) trying to regain her balance and he went towards her to help her out. "You're very hyper today, Anna..." (Y/N) mumbled as she clenched on Elson's arm dizzily. 

Anna giggled a laugh as she ran over to them. "Do the magic, do the magic!" She bounced her feet as that made (Y/N) instantly get out of her dizzy state. "Please do it, Elson!" She encourages her best friend, making him smile at them. The girls were both drawn in when he began to do his magic, the light blue color of small snowflakes danced around his fingers as a ball of snow was formed in his hands.

"Ready?" He asked both of them in which they nodded eagerly, feeling excited. Elson raised his hands towards the ceiling and releasing it as bursts of snowflakes came down, making a snow flurry around the ballroom. "This is amazing!" Anna squealed as she ran around in circles as (Y/N) giggled at how beautiful the snowflakes look.

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