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"We're going, w-we're going!" I was being carried by the snowman with Olaf on one hand with Kristoff and Anna being on the other hand. I was shivering a lot. "Put us down!" Anna exclaimed towards the big snowman. "Go away!" He replied and threw Kristoff and Anna towards the stairs, sliding down like a slide. The snowman placed me down near his feet and grabs Olaf's body with his other hand. "Heads up!" Olaf exclaimed as the snowman threw Olaf's head to the rock that was behind Anna and Kristoff. "Watch out for my butt!" Anna and Kristoff immediately ducked down from his other body parts.

The snowman then looks down at me and I just stood there, waiting for him to throw me like the others. But instead of throwing me, he just picked me up again and he somehow got down the stairs. He placed me down gently beside the rock where Olaf was and patted my head gently. "W-wow..." I stammered as I watched the snowman going back up the stairs. "You threw us and not her?! It's not nice to throw people!" Anna exclaimed as she makes a snowball. "Whoa! Whoa, whoa! Feisty pants." Kristoff grabs Anna to prevent her from throwing the snowball.

"Relax..." I muttered as Anna thrashes around in his arms. "Just calm down! Calm down!" Kristoff yelled as Anna finally stood up properly. "Alright! I'm okay!" "Just let the snowman be." "I'm calm." I watched their interaction and noticed how Kristoff has been trying to be closer to Anna. Kristoff probably likes Anna. "Great." After Kristoff said that, Anna then threw the snowball towards the snowman. "Oh, come on!" Kristoff yelled out in frustration as we watched the snowball smacks against the snowman's shoulder. 

The snowman then roared in anger after that and I just facepalmed. "See! Now you made him mad!" Kristoff exclaimed gestured towards the angry snowman. "I'll distract him! You guys go!" Olaf yells out and Kristoff pushed Anna so that she can start moving and I followed behind them as we ran away. "No, not you guys!" I heard Olaf behind me as I ran beside Kristoff and Anna. All of us then slipped down a small cliff with the snowman roaring after us. Thanks to the snow, it acted like a slide.

"Look out!" Kristoff exclaimed as he and I lead the way, going smoothly, unlike Anna who was spinning around behind us. Kristoff and I landed on our feet, but Kristoff fell again because of Anna knocking him down. The snowman then lands behind us and roared at us again. Kristoff helped Anna up and we began to run in the snowy forest again, but I noticed that he was going after Anna and Kristoff rather than me. 

"Anna, be careful!" I exclaimed as I noticed her grabbing the tree that was arched up like a slingshot. "What are you doing?!" I heard Kristoff asked in a frantic, but it was all gone when Anna released the tree and it snaps upright to the snowman and the tree knocks him back. "Whoa!" Kristoff exclaimed with a smile as he looked at Anna, feeling impressed. "I got him!" Anna cheered with a laugh as we began to run again, but we stopped as we nearly tripped on the edge of a cliff.

"It's a hundred-foot drop!" Anna breathed out as we looked down at the cliff. "It's two hundred." I corrected as I grabbed Kristoff's bag and gave the rope to him. "Tie it around us," I instructed as I grabbed the pickaxe. Kristoff ties the rope around Anna and I hear her yelp from the tightness. He tied the rope around me as well and proceeded to tie the rope around him. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" Anna asked as I used the pickaxe to make a kind of circle figure and making the sides deeper. "She's digging a snow anchor," Kristoff replied for me as I used my hands to define the shape of it. "What if we fall?" Anna asked as she peered down the cliff.

"There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there, it'll be like landing on a pillow," I replied making it as simple as possible for Anna to understand. "Hopefully," Kristoff commented and I tucked the rope in the anchor. Anna gasped as all of us looked back towards the forest and we hear the snowman roared in anger. "Ok, guys..." I began to say as Kristoff tossed the rope down the cliff as I held onto some. He seemed to know where I was getting. "On three, (Y/N)," Kristoff muttered as I looked at the forest and tightened my grip. "Ok," I heard Anna mutter behind me.

My Love For You Will Never Melt [Male!ElsaXReader]Where stories live. Discover now