• Chapter Fifteen •

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Archer and I decided that we would have our study session at his place after school. I was on board with the idea, because I figure that its a comfortable environment they he is used to studying in.

When the school bell rang Archer met me at my locker and we headed to his car together.

I'm nervous to go to his house mainly because I'm nervous to be apart of Archer's private life. It's not that I don't want to be apart of it, I just don't want something to go wrong or to make things uncomfortable between the two of us.

The nerves caused me to fiddle with my hands the whole drive over.

When we arrived at his house I took notice of its features. It was a single story house that was painted a dark grey colour. The windows frames and the front door was painted white. The front garden was small, which meant a large back garden. It was lined with small bushes and flowers along the sides of the garden and two large trees to the right of the drive way.

We got out of the car and made our way up to the door. He took out his keys and unlocked it, pushing the door open for me to enter.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile.

I looked inside as I entered and saw a homely interior. There was a living room on the far side of the room, that I was standing in. It had a large tv, a black coffee table, gray couches and the walls were painted a light gray. To the left of the room the kitchen lay open, with a counter looking over into the living room, and a hallway to the right, from where I was standing.

Archer came up from behind me and placed his arm around my shoulders. "Your house is lovely." I said looking up at him.

He smiled down at me, "I'm glad you think so."

He lead me through the hallway, which held five doors. The one all the way at the end of the hall was shut and I'm assuming that was the main bedroom. There was a door, to my left as we passed, with names stuck on it in children's styled letters, which I assumed were his siblings names. Espen and Chris. We passed a door on my right, which looked like an office and we finally came to the door that we would enter. Archer pushed the door open and allowed me to enter first.

I looked around his room as o walked in, I noticed that it smelt like him. It definitely held his character in the design. The walls were a dark grey, a bed with black sheets lay in the far corner of the room, he had a wooden desk to the left and built in cupboards to my right. He has a bedside table with photos of him and what I assume are his family.

"Where is your family?" I asked turning to him, only to find that he was already watching me.

"The twins are at day care until my mom can go fetch them after she gets off work." He explained.

"Wow, twins. Your poor parents." I laughed.

"Yeh, but it's just my mom now." He said looking at the ground awkwardly. "My dad never really got to meet the twins."

"What happened to your dad?" I asked, "Shit. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to." I corrected myself.

"No it's fine." He said smiling. He gestured for me to take a seat, so I sat on his bed and he took a seat next to me." He died about 6 years ago, he was killed in a robbery." Archer began to explain. "He went out to the store to buy some stuff for my mom, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time." He said softly. "I'm just glad they caught the guys who did it."

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