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I am woken up by the sound of Archer's footsteps on the wooden floors of our bedroom. He is most likely getting ready for his early training session before work.

"Archer?" I mumbled from under the sheets.

"Shh, go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you." He whispered as he approached the bed. "Sorry." 

"No it's okay. I have to be up in a bit anyway." 

That was true. My shift at the veterinary clinic down the road starts at 5:30, where I work as the head vet. It is a rewarding job, being a vet. I've been working at the clinic for three years now, I started there immediately after I finished studying. 

"Alright." He said before planting a soft kiss on top of my head. "Would you like some tea?" 

"No thank you." I shifted deeper into my pillow.

Archer smiled down at me as he stood back up, but not before he gave me a kiss on the head. "I'm leaving now. Goodbye my lovely wife." 

I laughed at his weirdness. "I'll be seeing you my wonderful husband." I joked in return.

"Love you, Ar." 

"Love you too. Be safe." He blew me a kiss in response to my words.

"You too." He said as he turned to leave.

I rolled over onto my side, snuggling back into the duvet. 

Archer and I have been married for just over a year now.

Archer proposed when we went to the beach for a week with our families. Archer had planned a date for the two of us and set up a camp fire and picnic blanket on the beach under the stars. When I had stuffed my face with a few strawberries that is when he took the opportunity to get down onto one knee and asked me to marry him. With a mouth full of strawberries, and apparently a shocked look on my face, I said yes. Obviously.  

Archer said that he wanted to do it on the beach with a fire, because it was like the first time we had said I love you when we were with our friends by the coast. It was adorable. The look of anxiety in his face when he waited for me to swallow my mouthful of strawberries and answer his request was enough to melt my heart. It was cute and not to mention hilarious. 

I felt my stomach twist and churn as I lay curled up in the blankets, so I sat up quickly and rushed into the bathroom. Luckily I made in to the toilet in time and threw up into the bowl.

I sat against the wall next to the toilet, trying to regain my composure.

"That can't be good." 

I stood up, flushed the toilet and washed my face by the basin. I brushed my teeth as well. 

After I cleaned myself up I made my way back into my room and picked up my phone. I dialed the secretary at work and she picked up.

"Hey, Charlotte." I greeted.

"Aurora, how are you." She replied.

Charlotte has been apart of the clinic for years, years before I even managed to get a job there. She has always supported my choices and opinion in the clinic. She even came to Archer and My wedding.

"I'm alright, but I'm not feeling so well."

"Oh no dear, what's the matter?"

"Oh it's nothing, I just called to tell you that I'll probably be late. I have to stop by the pharmacy before I come in today." 

"Don't be silly. Take the day off." She insisted. "Today is a slow day. The clinic will survive one day without you."

"Are you sure." 

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