• Chapter Eighteen •

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"Guys! Stop." Caitlyn shrieked and covered her face from the outside world.

"Dude, go talk to him." Devin insisted.

Our blended group of friends is currently sitting at a booth in the pizza parlor that I came to with the three guys after the first match of Archer's that I watched.

It's all of us together including Erin's tag along boyfriend. The nine of us are sitting in a booth with a U-shaped seat just to be able to fit us all in. I'm sitting on the one edge, Archer comfortably next to me, Cody beside him, Devin beside Cody in the rounded part of the 'U' along with Erin beside Cody next to Jake and lastly Caitlyn is on the other edge (the other side) opposite me. We ordered six pizzas to split between all of us.

We are one of three groups in the parlor tonight. One of the other two groups is a group of four teenage boys, around our age. One of the guys, a cute one might I add, has been shooting looks at Caitlyn since they sat down. Some of us are teasing her and some of us are encouraging her to talk to the guy.

"Cait, it's obvious that he's interested. Guys don't shoot looks like that just because the feels like it." I tried to sway her.

"Well it doesn't look like she's going to have to go over to him, looks like him and a friend coming over here." Jake said.

"Everyone be cool." Cody whispered. Everyone at our table gave him a weird look and let out muffled laughs.

That's when the cute guy, with green eyes and blond hair, introduced himself. "Hello guys," He said nervous, but masked it well. "I couldn't help but notice your friend here from across the parlor." He continued, running his hand over the back of his neck.

The other guy, also cute, tried to save his friend. "This is Eli," he introduced, "I'm Martin. What my friend is trying to say, but is failing miserably at, is if we could possibly borrow your two friends for a bit." Martin said to us, gesturing between myself and Caitlyn.


"We'll be right over at that other booth?" Eli said shyly.

I felt Archer tense beside me, realizing that this Martin guy was trying to get me to hang out with him and his friend.

Archer put his hand over my shoulders and pulled me closer into him. "Sorry man, but this one's taken." He said smugly. It feels good to hear him say that. He planted a big kiss on the side of my cheek for added measure.

Even after dating Archer for the last two weeks, I still can't get used to the fact that he is my boyfriend. He's all mine. We still haven't gone on a real date, but its never felt like we have had to. We've been doing so much together that it feels like we're past that point.

The poor guy looked so embarrassed. "Shit, sorry man. I had no idea." Martin apologized.

"It's no problem." I tried to reassure him. "But my friend is free for the taking, I'm sure she'd love to join you guys." Caitlynn shot me a deathly glare and turned bright red.

"Um-" She began.

"No pressure of course." Eli said, but with that said his friend slapped him upside the head. What a great wing man.

"Sure." She said in return. That's my girl.

Eli looked like a really sweet guy, maybe after he gets comfortable around her he might be less shy. If not, then I know that it's a deal breaker for her.

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