Part Six

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Hey guys heres another part hope you enjoy and ill be doing some like flash backs of earlier memories with the boys.


Elyse's Point of view still

"That was the longest flight ever with you guys next time i want to sit by someone less crazy" i say as we walk around the airport "where are the bags gonna be" louis asks liam who has the a slip of paper telling us where to go "they should be right here" liam says and points to an old man sitting on a bench reading a news paper louis smirks "behind the old man" liam says rolling his eyes

Flash back

Elyses point of view

I looked in the mirror and added the final touches to my outfit a necklace and a ring there was a knock on the door "hes here" it was hary i grabbed a pair of flats that would go with my dress i open the door and see harry staring at me "be good and be easy on the poor guy trust me hes more nervous than you are" harry says just as theres a knock on the front door i run down the stairs and fix my hair and flatten the bumps out of my dress and then open thedoor and see niall "hey" i say "hey wow you look very nice tonight" he says "um thanks so do you" i say and feel the butterflies in my tummy "would you like to get going" he says me "yeah sure bye harry" i say and yell and we walk out i shut the door i walk behind him catching up to him he cant drive yet so we got a cab he opens the door a little to fast and it hits me i almost fall over "oh my gosh elyse are you ok im so sorry" niall says leaving the door and runs to me "its fine niall just take a deep breathe" i say and he does so do i. i cant believe this was going to be the first date with niall i hope theres gonna be more the driver drives us to the park and we get out and pay the guy and we had a pinic "i had a really fun time" i say as we walk up to my door step "so did i" niall says i give him a peck on the cheek he blushes so do i "bye" i say and open the front door "bye" he mumbles just as i shut the door

"aww niall remember our first date when you hit me with the door" i blurt ouit in the hotel room me and him were staying in "niall you hit her with a door on the first date" zayn says holding in his laugh "um well yeah it was our first date i was a bit nervous" niall says blushing harry louis liam walk in the room "whatcha guys talking about" louis asks "oh just how niall hit elyse with a door on their first date" zayn says and niall bluishes even more "oh yeah i remember that the taxi door when he was opening it for you" harry says "and how did you know that i didnt tell you" i say he looks down "i just was looking out a window at the very time he hit you with the door and i almost died laughing" harry says and laughs "you little creep you watched us before we left" i say looking at him wide eyed "well yeah i knew you guys were both nervous and i had to see how things were gonna end upand they seemed to end well cause you kissed him on the cheek after the date" harry finishes "i didnt tell you that either you watched us didnt you" i say folding my arms over my chest "now that i remember there was a guy following us" niall says "what why didnt you tell me that" i say suprised at all this new information "well i didnt want to creep you out" niall says i look over at harry and rise an eyebrow "you followed us didnt you" i say looking at him "well not actually umm louis did" harry says "louis what" i say what the heck how did i not know about all this "well cause i couldnt drive at the time louis could so i called him and he agreed to follow you" harry says "louis why would you do that " i ask "he said he would bring me to the bakery it was quit fun" he says "well then now i know i can pretty much bride you with anything" i say to myself "so what are we gonna do" i ask and walk over to the fridge and grab a water "well i dont think you have ever been jet leg before so have fun with that"harry says and sits down at the end of my bed"its 7 at night theres nothing really to do" liam says and grabs his coat "movies anyone" he asks "yes lets go see one" i say and jump up and about to open the door "not so fast its cold outside you need a coat" harry says i let out a long sigh and run to my suit cases "opps" i say after looking over and looking for a coat in my bags "what" harry says turning around to look at me "i kinda forgot a coat" i say blushing how did i forget a bloody jacket "well you can use one of mine" harry says amd throws one at me i groan as i catch it "oh dont be so sad you can smell like me" harry says as i walk out the door he gives me a little shove i stick my tounge out at him as we walk down the hallway

we finally find a movie theater after walking around "so what are we going to watch" louis asks all excited im starting to get tired this jeg leg thing does suck "um well we could watch a horror or comedy" zayn says we end up picking a comedy cause no one wanted nightmares

"well that was a pointless film oh wll a good laugh anyways" louis giggles as we walk "yeah real funny guys" i say i guess i started to drift off durning the movie and louis decided to poke me i ended up throwing the tube of popcorn everywhere covering me in it "umm you got a piece of popcorn right there got it" niall says taking a piece out of my hair "there gonna have a blast cleaning up all that popcorn" i say as we walk around town and the to our hotel "yeah i bet" liam says

"Guys cant we go to bed im so tired just leave and go to louis room or something" i say laying on my bed not bothering to change into pjs "eh i think im going to sleep too" niall says and goes to his bed a few feet away from mine "well good night" harry says and turns off the light "louis" i yell and he starts laughing "gahh go to bed already you guys bye and goodnight" i say and they leave i drift off into a deep sleep

This one was a little longer but thats good right hope you like it :)

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