3. Then there were...

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o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

Three men.

Pleading for their lives as they bowed their heads don to their master.

Then man sighed, rubbing his temple.

"You're telling me, my daughter was kidnapped, and you incompetent people could protect her?"

"Y- yes sir." The three replied, fearing for their lives.

"You're fired, out of my sight." And so the three squirmed away, ready to pack their belongings and bolt away.

"Honey, what are we going to do?" His wife asked, holding onto his arm, a concerned look on her face.

"We will send a search party, but for the competitions... I guess we'll just tell him she had important matters regarding a deal with the neighbouring country." 

She just started to frown more.

"Besides, Lady Medea, and Lady Psyche are competing, with just them it should be fine."

A tear fell, and her husband immediatly swiped it away with his finger gently.

"She's gone!" She sobbed into his chest.

He only patted her back to comfort her, rubbing it occasionally to soothe the crying person.

"It's ok, she's a strong and smart girl. She'll return." Eventually, at least I hope. 

But he wasn't going to tell his wife that, it would likely make her even more upset.


The King and Queen.

 They have just received a letter from the messenger.

Sitting on his throne on the balcony, awaiting for the competition he didn't set up.

"Oh that's a shame."

"What is it?" The queen asked.

"Oh, Miss Adora won't be able to attend."

"Oh, that is a shame, I was so looking forward to Lady Medea's and Miss Adora's tackful battle."

"It's a shame really, it would have been a very intresting and amusing competition. Well I hold high hopes for Lady Medea."

"Me too."


A white-ish haired man and his key.

As the white-haired man finished opening the crate located in a odd area, he took out the thing he had been waiting for forever. 

He carefully carried back to his manor.

"Young lord Helio? What are you doing back, aren't you supposed to be at the competition being held?"

"Oh I'll go soon." He smile.

What could be more important than seeing Lady Medea? The butler thought.

Yes, what could be?

In his room, alone, Lord Helio stood gazing at the rectangular item on his bed. Puling off the cloth to reveal what he has been waiting for.

There stood a portrait of Lady Medea. 

Detailed to perfection.

You see... Lady Medea doesn't like portraits, and would likely execute anyone who dared ask her. And if anyone ever tried to secretly paint her, she would know, and she would brutually kill them.

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