4. (A)dora The Explorer

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Don't think this is edited, but like even if I did my editing suuuucks.

Like my editing ain't a virgin no more cuz it sucks so much 

o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

The horse panicked just as much as the girl or even more since it only felt the radiating fear coming from behind the tree that stood not far from them, at the edge of the lake.

Unlike the girl, the horse instincts kicked in, and his flight or fight thoughts kicked in. Though they were more like flight or flight.

The water was his friend, it drank it, bathed in it, had fun splashing it. Saw kids playing in it.

The horse did not fear the water, though the water would bare its fangs, drowning you in its endless liquid. But don't resist it, make friends with it instead. Do not fear it, as one does not fear their friends.

'Thrust your fingers into the surface and carve an opening. Then you slide your body through that opening, moving your arms, your chest, your head.'

Was what the young stallion heard a man once say. He would often see that man and children playing in a hole filled with water.

Calling it some weird thing, 'bathtub'.

So the horse dived in carrying the rider with him as they were submerged in the cool water. Sadly it did not fully understand what the words the man said. That man, he was talking about humans and humans alone. 

A horse couldn't swim, well that's what the human race thought. Sure horses could walk through small rivers and lakes, with their long legs, and so could humans, but could they swim, no.

Actually the correct answer is yes, but nobody knew that, yet.

And so the horse pulled a miracle that people thought could never have been done but was proven wrong. And would be proven wrong a lot more.

However, enough about the horse swimming or not swimming, that's not the important matter here. You see, the rider, Adora, could not swim. Nor could any other person really. Sure she could do a lot of things to almost perfection, but did anybody need to swim? 

In the olden days, people were... let's just say not that smart. 

Meanwhile, the horse was still treading through the water, as if it wasn't there and he was trotting on the ground instead. 

But being in the water makes things float, usually, according to the unbeknownst science to people back then. And alas, they were separated.

So Miss. Adora tried to swim, as she slowly, but surely, sank into the deep lake. She splashed around, continuously waving her hands in the air like she just don't care. But she actually cared, especially about not drowning.

Yet she sank deeper and deeper, the crystal clear surface water, from the light shinning, soon got further and further away. The light no longer penetrating to the depts she sank down to, and it only got dimmer.

Her eyes could barely stay open any longer with all the water, surrounding her like air. But the eyes were designed to be used to air, not water.

She neared the bottom of the lake, every second passed was every meter gone down deeper, meaning am even lesser chance of surviving. Her seconds of living was depleting, and no one was going to save her.

Her breath was running on basically empty, the shock of being plunged into the water left her gasping, which lead to the water fill her lungs, and that was not good.

The only thing keeping her body barely, and I mean barely functioning, was the pure adrenaline. But even with that added, her body was starting to lose consciousness, and probably hope too.

Her body thumped against the cold hard stone mixed with sand, as gravel and dirt blew around her. From the force of her body hitting an undisturbed place for centuries.

That really took her last breath. Knocking her out cold, as her body temperature dropped t the degrees of the cool water. Turning to almost ice.

Her eyes were shutting, for the last time, as she saw a glimpse of the light above her, where she could not reach or get to.

How ironic, she was 'going into the light', referring to the death, but she was in the furthest part away from said light.

Then her eyes shut, for the last time, the last thing she saw was the light she could not reach.

Everything went black, her body limp, water engulfing it like a coffin, one she would not get.

And she was gone. Forever. 

But the horse was 100% fine. 

o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

Published: August 29th, 2020

Word count: ~ 700 words

Next update: ??

Welp, I just killed off the main character in like less than 3 chapters of getting to know them. 

Hope you didn't get attached in such a short period of time.

But after watching frozen 2 again, I could say she went into the UnKNooOOoooOoOoOoooOoon!

Into the unKNooOOOoOoOOoOOooOOoooOOOOooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOoOooOOOOoOnnNNnNNnn!

But really, the exploring was exploring the less living side, which I'm guessing you didn't expect right?

Stay safe and hope you people going back to school (or already are) or not as upset as I am ;-;

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