6. Wake up

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With this new cover, I can say things got darker...

Alo this is somehow super longer than usual I think.

o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

Around a week later:

It was the engagement announcement for Eros Orna Vasilios, the first prince of the Vasilios empire. And his now-fiancee, Psyche Callista, only daughter of count Callista.

The crowd cheering as they blessed their soon to be new rulers ecstatically. even the day seemed blessed by the wind for the calm yet beautiful weather.

But there stood the only person who seemed unhappy, very unhappy. Medea Solon, eldest daughter of Duke Solon.

It was as if they completely forgotten. that I was meant to be crown princess. She gritted her teeth, clenching her hate.

Everyone knew how deadly she was, you did not, and I mean did not want to get on her bad side.

Yet someone very smart, yeah no that's a lie, decided it would be a great idea to teach her. Even though there have been nasty rumours about her doing things. And let's just say those things were not great for the person receiving them.

They were in fact, no longer here.

So this very smart man thought it was a great idea to talk about the accusation of the Solons attempted murder of a member of the imperial family.

Her eyes were wide open watching the man, who was also talking to someone else.

"My Lady... There's no need to waste your time on a lowly vermin such as these."

She glared, "I'll remember you."

The man, who was dressed in a green coat, embroidered with a lavish design on the hem, plunged onto his knees, a sigh let out as he held a breath he didn't know he was holding when he was confronted by the dreadful woman herself.

His body spoke, as he was wary of what the woman was capable of, "She just left?! Without even punishing us!?"

However, as I mention, the man was an idiot and basically continued to dig his own grave. 

"You see, the solons had their time, now it will only be their downfall."

The other male scoffed, appalled to be associated with someone like him.

"You don't even realize, do you? That silence weighs move than a thousand words."


A man was found dead in the river, but it was strange, his tongue was cut out.


It was after Lady Medea visited Lady Psyche, had tea and she fell suspiciously sick. However, she miraculously recovered.

And after Psyche's precious knight died.

Well enough to go to her to go to the temple. And also Medea secretly tagging along, uninvited.

Read episode two of the webtoon for what happens next cuz I'm too lazy to write it, sorry.


Lady Psyche woke up, the last memory was drowning in the small sacred pond near the praying spot (Idk how this thing works). 

"You're awake my Lady!" One of the maids exclaimed who was on standby for taking care of the Lady, tears spilling her eyes out of joy.

She jolted up, looking at her still alive body, but as she immediately looked around the room, someti=hing was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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