Darkness Shall Rise

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(Y/n's pov)

I was sitting in an empty building, and laughing at my incoming messages.

GTurner: hey sugar rush. It's Turner.

Me: sup skittle kid :)

GTurner: yea that's not gonna work

Me: okay then.....imma call you.....red

GTurner: red? Where'd u get that from?

Me: those glasses u seem to wear indoors. They're red aren't they :)

The speech bubble types, and disappears. I chuckle as I wait for a response. Zane walks in, and notices, walking up to me.

"What's so funny?" He smiles.

"Oh nothing." I mutter. "I know there is something." He pokes me.

"Hahaha. Alright alright. There was this guy....." I blush.

He stops poking me, and frowns. "Oh...a guy? Who?" He asked. "We met yesterday at the candy shop in Ninjago City. Before we met up at that restaurant last night." I say while he sits next to me. I lay down on his lap, and sigh. I didn't realize how exhausted I was.

"Goodnight Zane." I yawn and shut my eyes.

"Night? But it is already morning." He asked confused.

"Goodnight Zane." I said a little more firmly, and smirk.

(Zane's pov)

I watch as she laid down on my lap and bid me a "goodnight". I was undoubtedly confused, but I payed no attention. I smile at her, and play with her hair.

A crush......

My mind was lost in thoughts of Y/n and my feelings....my human feelings.....

What I was feeling for her was stronger than any other feeling I've ever felt, oh how that emotion wanted to break out so bad.... I just wanted to wake her and shout at her, "I LIKE YOU Y/N! IS THAT SO BAD?"

But what if her feelings weren't mutual? Would our friendship still be the same? Would I be making things worse than they already are? Oh dear, maybe confessing isn't the best thing after all.....

Yet my actions spoke differently.

I stood up, careful not to bother her, and knelt down to place a hand on her shoulder. "Y/n...." I slightly shook her, but she didn't respond. I repeated this process for three times, before finally stopping, and I deeply inhaled.

"I....I love you.........more than anyone. I hope this doesn't change things...." I say with an exhale.

She doesn't respond or move, so I lightly touch her one more time. Still nothing.

I sigh, and walk over to the door. I pretend to open and close the door as if I had left, making dissipating foot steps as I did so. She still didn't do a thing, so I sighed, and walked on out. Even though I hadn't done the real thing, it was still something.

Although I wish I had enough courage to do the real thing. I've fought monsters and battled armies, but why is this battle so difficult?

(Y/n's pov)

I laid on Zane's lap, intending to take a nap, when I felt him stand up, and shake me. He repeatedly said my name, but I didn't want to respond, I was too curious. I fought with my urge to laugh, when I heard his voice.

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