The Rise of the Spinjitzu Master

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( A/n : Okay y'all, so this is how it's gonna go. This chapter is gonna start off in Y/ns pov when the Final Battle is over. Sorry if it's short, I just really want to get into the next season already! Can you believe it? We're already on the third season! Ah! I can't believe it! Okay, we'll back to the story! )

(Y/n's pov)

After blacking out, I awoke in an unfamiliar place. I felt the sharp and crooked rocks under my back, and groaned at my aching body. I heard muffled voices, and slowly sat up, rubbing my back.

"Ugh.....what happened...?" I groan in fatigue.

That's when I unexpectedly get tackled by an unknown force. In that moment, I suddenly get a quick flashback to everything that had occurred.

The Overlord.


The Final Battle.

I quickly shoved the person off of me, and pinned them on their back, raising my fist. "Woah woah woah ! Y/n! It's me!"

My vision focused, and saw Lloyd under me.

My expression lightens up, and I smile. "Lloyd! You're okay!" I say while pinning him down with a hug. I giggled as I squeezed him half to death.

"Lloyd! You won! You defeated the Overlord! You saved us." I say with a smile, my hair hanging next to my face as I looked down to Lloyd.

His expression turns embarrassed, as I realize everyone was looking at us. I clear my throat, and stand up, helping Lloyd.

The guys come running up to us, and my smile gets bigger with every hug I give. After reuniting with everyone, Zane appeared in my views.

He stands there with a smile, and takes no time to rest.

His hug comes with so much force I'm practically thrown off my feet.

I gasp at his sudden force. "Whoa Zane! You silly Nindroid, are you tryna kill me?" I laugh.

He nuzzles his head into my gi, and doesn't respond. "Zane.....?"

He pulls away, his hands still around my shoulders. "I thought we lost you.....I thought I lost you..."

I smile, he always said the things that made me smile the most. " didn't...I'm still here. And that's thanks to you big lunatics. I still can't believe you guys made it this far without me. I underestimated you."

He chuckled, connecting our foreheads.



( A/n : Sorry for the short chapter, I'm just so excited for the next season! New conflict, new drama >:) , and new possible luv interests! Hope you enjoyed this short little chapter, and I'll see ya on the flip side! )

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