Ninjaball Run

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(Y/n's pov)

After leaving the ninja team, people and fans started realizing that there was one female ninja missing from the group.

It didn't bother me, but it sure was taking a toll on my phone. It blew up every few hours, from one of the ninja or Nya.

My phone rang again, and I pulled it out.


I scoffed, and pocketed it. I can't believe he still has the nerve to try and contact me. After it finished vibrating, another call came through. I grunted, and pulled out my phone I'm annoyance. It was an unknown number, and being the logical and smart person I am, I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Y/n? It's me, Lloyd!" A voice shouted. I heard other voices behind him, and cursed under my breath. It was a trap.

"Y/n? When are you coming home?" He asked.

As much as if pained me, I kept myself private. "Honestly Lloyd, I don't know why you guys are suddenly caring. You guys made it pretty clear that I was nothing but trash at Darklys." I huffed.

I heard Kai grab the phone, and speak into the mic.

"Y/n, that wasn't us! It was G-"

"Save it. I'm done being used. Goodbye."

"Y/n, wai-"


Oh I definitely hung up. I sat in a local diner, and frowned at my plate of food. I wasn't hungry anymore.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone pull out a chair, and sit down. "Mind if I sit?" I look up, and my breath hitched. Nya sat down, and I looked to the floor. She smiled to me, and put her purse down.

"So, what are you doing here all alone? Expecting someone?" She asked.

I don't know how to react, but decide to answer with a simple shake of the head. "Aw well, okay." She chuckles.

We sit there in silence for a couple of seconds, and she finally spoke up. "I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen a girl by the name Y/n? She's recently gone missing, and we can't seem to find her.....she looks like this."

She pulled out her phone, and pulled up pictures of us that one time we went to Jamanakai Village. Moments before we fought off Hypnobrai.

Wow.....she really couldn't tell.....

I gulped and continued. "I....I have not. I'm sorry. I-I really should be going..." I started packing up, and stood up. She frowned, and nodded. "Alright. Oh, hey. By any chance, do you have any plans later today?" She asked.

I didn't want to seem rude.....

" I......I don't." I mumbled.

"Cool! There's this thing called the "Ninjaball Run", and I have an extra ticket. You seem really nice, and I was wondering if you'd like to tag along, since you seem to be having a pretty lonely day." She kindly smiled.

I couldn't refuse the offer, so I hesitantly nodded. She grinned, and handed me a ticket. "Great! See you there."

I take it, and walk out of the restaurant. I rush down the streets, and thought to myself. Ninjaball Run......sounds interesting....

As I thought of what I would do, and how I act, I realized I had to change my appearance and.....well everything!

"Thanks Nya." I gritted my teeth. "Thanks..."

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