The Surge

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(Y/n's pov)

After the Final Battle, the Battle meant to end all battles, it meant practical extinction towards the age of the ninja.

No enemies to fight, no battles to battle....what was the point of being a ninja if no one needed saving?

Instead, we became teachers. Teachers for the students in the new and improved Sensei Wu's Academy.

I was in the middle of teaching a class, and for some reason, I felt none of the boys were even paying attention. They would stare off into space and just stare at me....weirdos....

I was teaching in front of my teacher desk, and place my hands on the table.

"Alright kids, who can tell me what the Final Battle was all about? Hmmm, Ms. Wang!"

When I asked the question, a few hands shot up. Marie Wang, being one of them. She was the girl I had met before Lloyd had even used the tomorrow tea. Before any of the real trouble started.

She smiles as she hears me calling on her. "Oh, okay. The Final Battle was all about the final fight against good and evil! The Green Ninja and the Overlord, face to face! It was a battle to end all battles! And without the ninja, we all would be dead."

I stand with wide eyes after hearing the last sentence of her answer, and can't find the correct words to add to it.

"I...-Uh....w-well put Marie! Very....intuitive..."

The bell rang for recess, and everyone stood up to start heading out. I grab some of my stuff to start heading out to the staff lounge to meet the guys.

I took my bag of snacks and walked into the staff lounge. "Hey guys." I say with a quick smile.

No one really responded, and instead, I'm greeted by hangry Jay.

"Alright, who ate my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it!"

Cole turns to him, making it obvious he was eating it. He shoveled it down with a single spoon, and tossed it in the trash. "Sorry, didn't see Motor Mouth on it."

Jay puts his hands on his hips. "Hmph, well I'm telling the headmaster!"

Sensei shakes his head. "Leave me out of it."

I roll my eyes, taking out my pudding cup. "Calm down man, here, take mine." I take mine out of my bag, and toss it to Jay. He delightfully smiled, and opens it up. "Ooh, yummy!" He eats some, and his smile gets smaller. "Awww but it's not cold..."

I sit down, taking out a juice box. I poke a hole through it with the straw, and sip on it.

Zane presses some buttons, and ice shoots out of his hands, cooling the cup of pudding.

"Awe thanks Zane!" Jay complimented as he gobbled it down.

The white ninja and I made eye contact and smiled at each other. Our contact was broken after someone spoke up.

"Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden ninja and fly around accepting awards while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers?"

Sensei Wu comes in with his cup of steaming tea, and Nya comes flying into the room, slamming the door behind here.

A kids voice, boy, was heard right behind the door. "Hi Ms. Nya!"

"I like your dress Ms. Nya!"

She sighs, walking in. "Why is it when I teach I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening?"

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