First day| chapter 1

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Will's POV

It's the first day of school...again. I mean summer was pretty fun but the thing that ruined summer is...that Jane and mike got together and I always liked mike.....Jane doesn't even know anything about him...I been friends with him since kindergarten and Jane only knows him for a year now. Yeah a year is a long time but still anyway I'm going to school

Joyce: will get down here!

Will runs down the stairs

Joyce: the bus is here honey

Will: I know...

Joyce: so get on the bus

Will: I'm going

Will runs to the bus and gets on the bus and sits next mike

Mike: sorry will...Jane is sitting here

See this is what I mean .Mike never hangs out with me's so unfair. This Random girl shows up and now he just loves her and never talks to me or hangs out with me...

Will: oh sorry

Mike: no it's fine

Will sits next to Dustin

Jane walks on the bus and sits next to mike can't Mike understand that I love him...

Jane: hey mike *Giggles*

Mike: hey your pretty...i wish we can make out here..

I was about to throw up when I Heard mike say can mike love her...I wish he can say that to me someday


Gosh school sucks I hate school......I only like school if I have a class with Mike..


Finally the end of school.I thought i was going to die before school was over..and it's only the first day of school...I just want to go home

Mike: hey......will do you know where Jane is?

Of course he is asking about Jane.....that's all he cares about

Will: NO I-i-I I don't

Mike: okay will...

Will: Mike I'm fine

Mike: oh okay well I'm going to find Jane

Wow thanks mike for caring about me


Joyce: how was school will

Will: it fucking sucked

Joyce: WILL

Will: sorry...but it did

Joyce: what happened

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