Shorty's Doubts

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88 days until Judgement Day.

Shorty walked through the Zoo, waving to the humans who still remained there. Shorty listened in to a conversation between two of them.

One inquired, "Hey so did George?"

The other responded, "Yeah I mean we're free to leave whenever we wish but I don't really want to..."

Shorty sighed, as the humans in the Zoo were indeed free to leave at will for any worried that this plot point was forgotten. However, this was not the matter that bothered Shorty so. The Zoo felt, empty. Once, hundreds of Beta Gems ran through these halls. Her allies. Her friends, but now...

"It was once so active," Shorty sighed, "But now everyone's fused with Project Judgement and I..."

Shorty overheard the humans, "No not that George! The other one! The Gem one!"

Shorty quickly walked away as the other human replied somberly, "Oh... yeah... She fused with Project Judgement too..."

Shorty sighed as she exited the Zoo area and walked down the hall, a troubled look on her face as she muttered to herself, "Judgement... that thing... our friends and families. What if we can't unfuse them? Is it truly worth risking thousands of lives to be stuck as that abomination? Even Emerald turned on us. What if she was right?"

"Shorty!" A voice exclaimed. Shorty turned to see a Peridot with several screens open.

"Yes?" Shorty inquired.

"I'm a member of Emerald's crew," the Peridot explained, "I was a mechanic for the ship and I understand she volunteered to join project Judgement but..."

Shorty winced in pain, knowing this to be a lie as images of Emerald and Phoenix being poofed by Project Judgement and bubbled by her and Skins echoed in her mind.

Shorty nodded, continuing the lie "Yes. Go on."

"Well some of us had... concerns about this," the Peridot explained handing the screens to Shorty, "The more fuse with Project Judgement, or Judgement as the fusion itself is named, the more likely it'll get stuck. I have a petition, requesting we allow some of the Gems in Judgement to unfuse, to decrease the risk the fusion become permanent."

"I'll look into it," Shorty replied taking the screens.

The Peridot smiled, "Thank you."

Shorty looked at the screens and sighed, heading up an elevator towards Shorty's office...

Meanwhile Shorty sat at a pink desk covered in papers, holy texts of all faiths from across Earth which she read curiously, studying them, but not in faith, but in searching for signs of evil.

Miles inquired picking up one of the books, "I've been meaning to ask, most of Homeworld has little concept of religion aside from the Diamonds. How did you convert most of the Loyalists from apathy to Atheism?"

"Oh it started back when Crysophrase lead us," Skins began to explain, "It's a long story and I have to figure out which or these texts promote wicked acts."

"I really am curious," Miles continued, "If it's not to much to ask."

"Aight I'll tell ya the story," Skins replied, "It was a normal day at the Garden..."

Some time ago, during the days of the rebellion, Steven was reading several holy texts, discussing them with Spinel.

The Gem inquired, "But if you're not religious why are you reading these?"

Steven explained as Skins walked in, "Well way I see it, religion is like anything. It can be used for good or evil, so I wanna see why some use it for evil and how, that way maybe we can make sure such things don't happen on Homeworld and come to an understanding of how the Diamonds have such control over Homeworld. They are basically space Gods."

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