Chapter 6

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Recap: you stepped in Quintons room and he
~your POV~
He pushed the door shut. You were just standing in the middle of his room when he pushed you against the wall put his hands on each side of your head and leaned in and he whispered
Q: can we do a face mask
Y/n: yessssss let's do it
( haha got you we holy children when it comes to smut no need for you bibles and holy water cause we ain't doing that around here)
Q: well someone's excited
Y/n: why wouldn't I be
Q: what do you mean by that
Y/n: n-n-nothing
Q: are you sure y/n
Y/n: yeah I'm sure
(In mind) no I'm not sure you wanna know why because I fucking like you
Q: you good
Y/n: yea I'm fine I just had to remember where I put my face masks
Q: oh okay
Y/n: I'll be right back
Q: okay
B: y/n what were you doing in Quintons room
Y/n: he just wants to do a face mask Bryce
B: are you sure
Y/n: yes I'm sure and I'm trying to go get them
B: oh okay
You walk to your room and grab the face masks from your bathroom
Q: hurry up slow poke
Y/n: I'm coming let's go back to your room
Q: why your bed comfy
Y/n: because I share a room and you don't
Q: fiiiine
Y/n: your lazy
Q:not true
Y/n: yes it is
Q:  no
Y/n: yes
Q: no
Y/n: yes
Q: no
Y/n: just come on loser
Q: hey I'm not a loser
Y/n: and I'm not a locker decoration
Y/n: just come on
Q: coming
You and Quinton walk to his room
Q: let's do this
Y/n: yes
Quinton pulls out his gaming chair from his desk  and sits down
Y/n: it's going to be cold at first
Q: okay
You start putting the face mask on him
Q: it's so cold
Y/n: I told you
Q: hmph
Y/n: oh shit I forgot to put your hair up
Q: why do you need to that
Y/n: so it doesn't get in your hair dumb dumb
Q: okay
Y/n: do you have a ponytail
Q: no
Y/n: can you help me find in my room then
You and Quinton run to your room and start looking fo a ponytail about five minute later
Q: found one
Y/n: okay lemme put your hair up
Q: no I can
Y/n: but I want to (whines)
Q: no (sticks his tongue out at you)
Y/n: hey that's not nice
Q: your not nice
Y/n: yes I am
Q: not
Y/n: hmph
Quinton puts his hair up and you both walk back to his room
Y/n: okay
Q: is it going to be cold still
Y/n: yes it is
You start putting the face mask on him again and he laughs
Y/n: what's funny
Q: you look so consentrated
Y/n: well I'm trying not to get in your eyebrows and you keep moving your head stop
Q: well can't you hear the door opening
Y/n: what (you turn around and see his ex Cynthia)
Y/n: how does she know were we live
Cyn: what are you doing by my man
Y/n: didn't you guys break up
Cyn: oh hunny no
Y/n: hunny bitch do you know who you are talking to
Q: yeah I wouldn't of called her hunny
Cyn: what was that Quin
Q: nothing
Y/n: can you leave please
Cyn: fine I will leave but just remember he's mine and not yours
Y/n: okay...
You turn around to see Quinton giving you a weird look
Y/n: um are you okay you look like you going to blow up
Q: I promise you nothing is going on between me and Cynthia
Y/n: hey you have nothing to promise me about alright we aren't really even friends
Q: but I wanna be friends
Y/n: fine
Q: y/n will you be my friend
Y/n: what the hell are you doing
Q: asking you to be my friend
Y/n: okay um sure
Q: yay
Y/n: (laughs)
Q: that probably looked really stupid
Y/n: yes yes it did
You look at the time and it's time for you and Quinton to take of your face masks
Q: lemme guess we can take these off
Y/n: yes
He nods and grabs his lose part on the face mask and tears it off and you do the same
Y/n: you face is bright red
Q: I look like a freaking tomato
Y/n: tomato boy
Q: heyyyyyyy
Y/n: what
Q: that name isn't nice
Y/n: okay sorry
Q: we should do this again it was fun
Y/n: yea it was
Q: wanna go get food now
Y/n: sure
Q: I'll drive
Y/n: okay
Q: you not going to battle me
Y/n: for what
Q: the keys so you can drive
Y/n: I don't want to drive
Q: you sure you got a weird look on your face
Y/n: do you want me to drive Quin
Q: no
Y/n: you sure
Q: let's just go
Y/n: okay but first what are we going to get
Q: oh I don't know
Y/n: yeah me neither
Q: so what are going to do now
Y/n: we could go to a diner
Q: yea we could
You and Quinton go downstairs and get past your brother without noticing you both of you guys get outside he pushes you out of the way and opens the door for you
Y/n: thanks
Q: yea
Y/n: why did you push me tho
Q: I didn't want you to open the door by yourself goofy
Y/n: yea but you didn't have to push me you could of ran ahead of me
Q: sorry
Y/n: just get in
Quinton gets in on the other side of the car and starts it
Q: what music do you wanna listen to (he says as he's pulling out of the driveway)
Y/n: you can pick
Q: no what kind of music do you want
Y/n: I don't care
Q: I don't care either
Y/n: I'm not picking the music
Q: yes you are
Y/n: nooooo
Q: fine then (plays I don't care what music you pick)
The rest of the car ride was silent. About 10 minutes later I got a call from Jaden

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