Chapter 17

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~your POV~
~the next morning~
I woke up on the floor and someone was stepping on me
Kouv: oh sorry Y/n
Y/n: no your fine
Kouv: here let me help you up
She reached her hand down by me and helped me up
Y/n: thanks
Kouv: you wanna go get food
Y/n: sure
I looked on the table and saw my phone, I went over and grabbed it, to look at the time but it was dead
Kouv: your phones dead huh
Y/n: yep
She took her phone off of her charger
Kouv: here you can use mine
Y/n: thanks
I plugged my phone in and went downstairs with Kouver. My mind was very off from last night, I couldn't wrap my head around how many times I was called a slut, and how They all just stood there besides Bryce and Thomas telling Cynthia to leave
Kouv: Hey y/n you okay
Y/n: yes I'm fine
Kouv: okay
Y/n: so what are we going to eat
Kouv: what ever you want
Y/n: Well I don't care
Kouv: and I don't know
Har: let's go get Charli
Kouv: okay
We ran to Charli's room and she was awake
Char: hey guys
Kouv: hey
Y/n: hi
Char: so what are you two doing
Y/n: asking you what we should eat
Char: go to Dunkin
Kouv: then you can come with
Char: um yea
Y/n: okay
We all agreed to go to dunkin and then charli got ready and I grabbed my mask and Kouvers from her room
Kouv: thanks
Y/n: yea no problem...where's charli
Kouv: out side in the car
Y/n: oh then let's go right now
Kouv: okay
Kouver and I went outside and got in the car
Char: took you two long enough
Y/n: oh please it was on 5 minutes
Kouv: yea I mean I've taken longer
Y/n: like same tho
Char: same
We laughed a bit and we left, got our dunkin and drove back to the hype house, it must of been longer then it seemed because almost everyone was up now, I went to Kouvers room to check my phone and there was, 5 messages and 5 missed calls from Quin
Ryland: hey are you okay
Y/n: oh yea I better answer these texts from QuiN
Ryland: okay
He left and I opened the messages
Q: hey, I'm so sorry for doing that to you I never meant to call you a slut, but I did and I will never forgive my self
~at this point I was slightly crying~
Q: now you won't answer me I understand I wouldn't answer me either
Q: ya know your brother beat the shit out of me and didn't stop until josh and Jaden pulled him away
Q: come on Y/n please answer me I think we need to talk
Q: ya know now I don't think that we should be talking because at this point again your probably having sex with Ryland or nick
Y/n: I'm sorry but I'm not have sex with nick or Ryland because they are like brothers to me and I would never cheat it was a dare to kiss Ryland and I never wanted to but he's the one that kissed me I never kissed back then Cynthia came and said "oh just wait until Quinton sees these" and then you called  me a slut like five times and she called me a slut another 3 times and then Bryce almost beat the shit out of her, then I'm sure that he came back to sway and beat the shit out of you and I know your upset that I said yes to being part of the hype house and now that Ryland kissed me and I'm emotionally broken by How many times the word slut came at me, so you know what it feels like to be called a slut over and over again, no no you don't and I'm sure you never will
~ end of messages~
I was crying and I couldn't stop until I heard someone knock on the door
Y/n: yes
Charli and Dixie came through the Door
Char: hi Y/n we heard crying walking past the door and we decided to see who it was
Alex came in with Kouver
Alex: so our room is the new hangout spot
Dix: no we heard crying walking past the door and we decided to check if everything was okay
Kouv: well it's not from her facial expression
Char: can you show us what's wrong
I gave them my phone so they can read all of the texts
Kouv: and he's probably having sex with Cynthia since he's not answering
Y/n: aw damn didn't need to hear that
Alex: well you clearly did because your smiling
Y/n: if he is having sex with Cynthia I get pay back again
Char: that's true
My phone started ringing
Y/n: well look at that he's calling
Kouv: ooo let me answer
Y/n: don't say anything stupid
Kouv: no promises
She answered
Kouv: hello this is the krusty krab
Q: can I speak to y/n please Kouver
Kouv: um so you want a large fry and some nuggets
Q: I'm serious let me speak to y/n
Kouv: I can't do that right now
Q: why
Kouv: because she's showering
Q: that doesn't matter let me talk to her right now
Kouv: no she needs privacy
Q: I don't fucking care let me talk to her
Kouv: don't tell me what to fucking do
Q: let me talk to her please
I took the phone from Kouver
Y/n: hello
My voice cracked
Q: hey
Y/n: what do you want Quinton
Q: I wanted to say I'm sorry
Y/n: yea and I'm not
Q: damn so you liked rylands kiss last night
Y/n: that's something you will never know
Q: wow
Alex tapped on my shoulder
Alex: Damn never thought that you would have the balls to say that
Y/n: just shut up
Q: are there people listening to this conversation
Y/n: I don't know maybe but what do you care you probably had some girl on your dick this morning
Q: I did not because I was up all night, I couldn't even be in my own room because I took a step in there all the memories of us came back
Y/n: yea and I take a step in where I know live and all the memories come back to and you wanna know what kind of memories
Q: no
Y/n: god damn didn't think you be that fucking stupid
I hung up on him and he called right back, I didn't answer, I let it ring and then he called again, and again and again, that went on until Alex answered
Q: thank god you answered
Alex tried to do my voice
Alex: oh um I just um
He whispered to me
Alex: what would you say
Y/n: just start breathing heavy so he hangs up because he thinks that  he called while I'm have sex with someone
Alex: Damn good idea
He started breathing heavy into the phone and I moaned in the back round and Quinton hung up and texted
Q: ya know I'm coming down there so I can beat the shit out of whoever your fucking
Alex: Damn we really fooled that bitch
Y/n: Damn right
Kouv: yea except that he's on his way here
Y/n: yea I know
~Quintons POV~
I couldn't believe that she answered while she was having sex with someone, I left my room and went downstairs everyone looked at me
Ja: where are you going
Q: the hype house
Jo: why are you going to the hype house
Q: to beat the shit out of whoever y/n was fucking
K: how do you know she was fucking someone
Q: she answered the phone during all of it
B: okay just as long as you don't beat the shit out my sister
Q: I won't
I left and got in the car and drove to the hype house about 35 minutes later I arrived, I knocked and nick let me in,  I pushed him out of the way and asked as I was walking away
Q: where is y/n
Nick: Alex and Kouvers room third room on the right down that hallway
Q: okay
I knocked on the door
~your POV~
Kouv: he's here
I ran to the bathroom and Alex opened the door
Q: where's y/n
Char: don't know
Dix: haven't seen her since we went to dunkin
Q: nick told me she was in here
Kouv: she's not
Q: really because you were on her phone talking to me and then she was talking to me
Kouv: yea I haven't seen her since then
I walked out of the bathroom and pushed past Quinton he grabbed my arm and pulled me back
Q: can we talk
Y/n: no
I got out of his grip and went to Mia and Thomas's room
Thom: hey y/n
Y/n: hi Quintons here
Thom: well let me tell him he's not welcome here at this time
Y/n: no don't then he will think I have something going on with nick or Ryland
Mia: but you don't even talk to nick
Y/n: well yea
Thom: so why does he think you have something special with nick
Q: because he's her ex and she has something to
Run back to all of them
Y/n: is that just another version of saying I'm a slut
Q: no
Thom: sure sounded like it
Q: I just want to talk
Y/n: fine
We walked out side
Y/n: what Quinton
Q: look I'm sorry and never meant anything
Y/n: yea but you said it and it sounded like you meant it
Q: well I didn't
Y/n: That's what they all say Quinton
Q: y/n your not a slut
Y/n: cool and I never fucked anyone this morning
Q: then what was that in the phone call
Y/n: Alex breathing heavy and me forcing a moan
Q: oh
Y/n: I never kissed Ryland back and Cynthia sent you photos of the kiss that I didn't even want to happen but it was a dare and it was my dare which I didn't want it, then he caught me off guard
Q: oh
Ryland: its true she never kissed me back
Quinton nodded and I tried to go back inside but he grabbed my arm
Q: where are you going
Y/n: back inside so I can get my phone and Thomas's Keys then I'm going to sway to start packing my stuff
Q: oh I kinda forgot that you said yes to being apart of the hype house
Y/n: yea
Q: y/n one more question before you go back inside
Y/n: yeah
Q: what are we now
Y/n: Quinton I don't know you can make any decision you want but right now I need time to think
Q: okay
His voice cracked, I went back inside and got Thomas's keys and my phone, got in the car and drove to sway, I arrived in like 35 minutes
Ja: hey look who it is
Y/n: not in the mood sorry
Jo: where are you going
Y/n: to pack
G: why where are you going
Y/n: I'm moving into the hype house
B: on my god you bitch, I'm just kidding I already knew
N: so did I
Q: yea same
Quinton was coming downstairs his eyes were puffy and red, he went to the kitchen got something from the fridge and came up to me
Q: don't worry I won't bother you anymore and I'll lose your number
I just ignored him and went upstairs, went to my room and got my suitcases and changed, I changed into this:

where's charliKouv: out side in the carY/n: oh then let's go right nowKouv: okay Kouver and I went outside and got in the carChar: took you two long enoughY/n: oh please it was on 5 minutesKouv: yea I mean I've taken longer Y/n: like same thoChar:...

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I started folding clothes and putting them in my suitcase case for the next 2 hours, then I was finished and went back to the hype house
B: drive safe
Y/n: I have to I have Thomas's car and I would anyways you know how much it scares me to drive
B: yea I know
I waved and left, I got back to the hype house about 35 minutes later
Kouv: do you need help
Y/n: sure
She came outside and grabbed one of my suit cases
Char: welcome back
I smiled at her and put my stuff in Alex and Kouvers room, I ran over by Taylor and Nate
Y/n: hey
Tay: hey
Nate: wassup
Tay: for one welcome to the hype house
Y/n: siked
Nate: you and Quinton okay
Y/n: don't bring that bitch up
?: understandable
I looked back and seen Quinton
Y/n: the fuck you doing here
Q: chilling you.. oh right you live here
Tay: fuck you man
Nate: she can make her own decisions
Q: I know
Y/n: can you leave and maybe I'll talk to you when and I thought you were going to lose my number and not talk to me for awhile
Q: I was but then I thought, prolly shouldn't lose your number because when I do I will sit and cry while staying up for nights and not eating because I love you and you don't love me so I stay up thinking about that too
Y/n: shore I don't love you
I was starting to get tired, but not of fighting, just tired, so I got up and walked away
Y/n: peace out assholes
Tay: what did I do
Y/n: nothing your just an asshole
Nate: and I'm just an asshole too
Y/n: yup and Quintons just an asshole too
I walked into Alex and Kouvers room and laid on the the couch and soon fell asleep

The Story of my life <Q.G> (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now