Chapter 13

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~Quinton pov~
~the next morning~
I woke up to y/n getting out of bed
Q: what are you doing
Y/n: I have to go to the bathroom
Q: okay
I check what time it was and a few minutes later y/n walked out of the bathroom
Q: it's 3 in the afternoon already
Y/n: and
Q: what do you mean and
Y/n: who cares if it 3 in the afternoon it's not like the boys are awake yet
Q: they have to be
Y/n: probably not
I shrugged
~your POV~
Y/n: ima go change
Q: okay
I walked to my room and opened the closet and picked out this outfit:

I walked out of my room and over to JadensY/n: Jae are you awakeJa: yesY/n: okayJa: you look nice going some where Y/n: no I'm not going somewhere Ja: you sureY/n: yes I'm sureJa: okay I'm just being a nosy best friendY/n: Jaden your just nosy in ...

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I walked out of my room and over to Jadens
Y/n: Jae are you awake
Ja: yes
Y/n: okay
Ja: you look nice going some where
Y/n: no I'm not going somewhere
Ja: you sure
Y/n: yes I'm sure
Ja: okay I'm just being a nosy best friend
Y/n: Jaden your just nosy in general
Ja: I am not
Y/n: mhm sure
~ Jadens pov~
Damn y/n really looked nice today, oh what the hell am I thinking she looks nice everyday
Y/n: yo Jaden you okay
Ja: yea I'm fine
Y/n: okay Ima go to Quin's room again
Of course she doesn't want to stay because she likes Quin and she just thinks of me as her best friend but I want more then that I always have for years now
B: hey Jaden you want some food
Ja: no thanks bro
B: but also did y/n mention if she was still mad at me
Ja: didn't hear anything from her about it
B: okay thanks bro
I just nodded and went back to thinking about y/n
~Bryces pov~
I don't think y/n will ever want to talk to me again, I shouldn't of fucking yelled at her she doesn't deserve what's she's been through, she's my little sister I'm supposed to be there for her, break the nose of the boys that cheated on her, protect her from boys I don't think that she should date, also gotta be there for helping in those mixed emotions girls get, I don't understand that one bit
~your POV~
Y/n: babe I'm back
Q: great
Y/n: do you want cuddles
Q: you know me
I laid down next to him and cuddled up in next to him
Q: what do you want to watch
Y/n: I don't want to watch anything
Q: then what do you want to do
Y/n: wanna go swim
Q: yeah I'll meet you downstairs
Y/n: okay
I walked to my room and picked out this swimsuit:

(Yeah I know I used this one already but I have no WiFi and data so yeah)B: y/n Y/n: I'm not going to talk to youB: please y/n, I was drunk and I didnt mean to yell or try to make you drink, that's not rightY/n: Bryce I'm trying to make this a non...

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(Yeah I know I used this one already but I have no WiFi and data so yeah)
B: y/n
Y/n: I'm not going to talk to you
B: please y/n, I was drunk and I didnt mean to yell or try to make you drink, that's not right
Y/n: Bryce I'm trying to make this a non drama day okay but knowing you boys that's not going to happen
B: please I'm sorry
Y/n: I don't want to hear it okay
B: okay
He walks out and I follow him out and walk downstairs
Y/n: where's Quin josh
Jo: look up
I looked up and seen Quinton about to jump off the balcony
Ja: no don't make him get down
Y/n: what why
Ja: he wanted to do it so if he gets hurt he gets hurt
Y/n: yea but then ima blame it on myself
Ja: yea but it's not you fault
As he said I heard a splash and the water I looked and seen Quin in the pool not floating back up
B: um shit y/n was right he should of not jumped
As Bryce said that I jumped into the pool and grabbed Quin
Jo: when did you learn to swim
B: dude she was on the swim team for six years
Y/n: guys shut the fuck up and call 911
K: I'll go call
Y/n: thank you
Kio calls and about fifteen minutes later an ambulance showed up
Y/n: Bryce you wanna go get the medics
B: yes I'll be right back
Bryce came back a few moments later with the medics
Medic 1: alright so we will take him to the hospital and make sure everything's alright, but lets get to the questions
Y/n: okay
Medic 1: what is your relation to him
Y/n: in his girlfriend
After about five minute she finished the questions
Medic 2: we have him back there
Medic 1: okay so Ms, Hall will you be coming with
I looked at Bryce and saw him nod
Y/n: yes I will be coming with
I waved to the boys and they waved back
I got in the ambulance and held Quin's hand the whole time
~Quintons POV~
Jaden had told me I should jump of the second floor balcony, I told " Bet" but once y/n got out she yelled for me not to jump but I did and once I hit the water everything went black and I couldn't see anything but I could lightly hear people screaming, but next thing I feel someone's arms around me pulling me up and that's all I remember then everything just felt like I fell, I couldn't hear or feel anything
~Your POV~
We just pulled into the hospital when I felt Quin's grip tighten
Y/n: holy shit
Medic 1: what happened
Y/n: his grip tightened on my hand
Medic 2: alright let's get him inside and checked out so we can see what's wrong
They took him into the emergency room and I sat in the waiting room for about an hour when I heard the medic
Medic 1: y/n hall
Y/n: I'm right here
Medic 1: alright come with me
We walked into the room Quinton was in I saw he was awake
Y/n: Quin your okay
He smiled slightly and the medic tapped on my shoulder, and pointed towards the door
Medic 1: there's nothing wrong he just might of fell into a shock because he wasn't ready to hit the water
Y/n: okay
Medic 1: so he can go home when ever he ready
Y/n: okay thank you very much
She smiled then walked away I walked into to Quin's room, I pulled a chair up next to the bed
Q: no sit with me
He scooted over a little bit and then Bryce came through the door
B: awe you guys are cute
Quinton and I looked at each other and smiled
B: so when can he go home
Y/n: when ever he wa-
I was cut of by Quin
Q: let's go then
Y/n: okay come on Bryce
B: coming
Quin got out of bed, Bryce handed him the clothes that he brought, Quin went to the bathroom and came out moments later he came out
Q: let's go
Y/n: Bryce is downstairs signing you out
Q: okay
He grabbed my hand and we went downstairs
Cyn: Quin babe your okay
She came up and hugged him
Y/n: um Babe we have to go
Q: oh right the boys are at home waiting
He pushed Cynthia off of him
Cyn: wait a damn minute so you pick the sewer rat over me
Q: Cynthia she's not a sewer rat
Cyn: then what is she
Y/n: Quin I got this
I punched her in the nose causing her to fall backwards
Q: y/n what the fuck
Y/n: what she has not right to think of someone like that
Q: but that doesn't mean you punch her
Y/n: In my books yes it does
Q: y/n
Y/n: yes
Q: let's just go
He sounded disappointed
Y/n: Quinton I'm sorry
Q: I don't care if your sorry you should of never hit her
He started raising his voice making me tear up, I just walked away from him
Q: y/n come back I'm sorry
Y/n: as you said and now I'm going to say it, I don't care if your sorry
Q: what the fuck ever you should of never punched her
Y/n: oh what the hell so your going to stand up for her and it okay that you raised your fucking voice
Q: no it's not alright
Y/n: ya know Quinton I'm fucking done
Q: y/n what do you mean
He said kinda sadly
Y/n: I mean Quinton I can't do this anymore you clearly still have feelings for Cynthia
Q: no I don't I promise you
Y/n: I don't want to hear it
I walked away and started walking home and I got a text from Bryce
~ texts~
B: y/n where are
B: please y/n Quinton is worried
Y/n: I don't care
B: what do you mean you don't care
Y/n: he clearly has feeling for Cynthia still
B: y/n he worried I'm sure he doesn't have feeling for her anymore
Y/n: yea okay
~ end of texts~
~ Bryces pov~
Quinton was sitting in the seat next to me trying not to cry
Q: Bryce I'm worried
He was on the verge of tears
B: Quin we will find her
Q: okay
His voice cracked
After about ten minutes of driving I seen y/n walking down the road, I pulled over by her
Y/n: no I don't want to
B: why don't you want to get in the car
Y/n: because Quintons in there
I looked at Quinton he has tears coming out of his eyes
B: y/n he wouldn't be crying if he still has feelings for Cynthia
Q: I promise you I don't
His voice cracked every single word he said
Y/n: I don't fucking care I'm not getting in the car
I started getting frustrated with her
Y/n: your just an asshole
She said as she got in the car I looked at her she was crying and so was Quin
~ Your POV~
I was sitting in the backseat lightly crying I didn't want to be around anyone right now
Q: y/n
I stayed silent and heard him sigh, after about ten minutes we were back and ran in the house and straight to my room
B: y/n
Y/n: go away
B: no I can't leave you like this
Y/n: Bryce please I want my space
B: no y/n I'm you brother and I will break his nose if it makes you feel better
I just laughed and got up
B: okay thanks for opening the door
Y/n: yep
B: you know i meant that I will break his nose
He almost started crying
Y/n: no don't cry
He engulfed me into a hug and I seen Quin over his shoulder so I pushed Bryce out and closed the door and that's when I heard someone yell
?: I'm going to fucking hurt you
I opened the door and saw Bryce about to swing at Quin so I pushed Quinton out of the way so he didn't get punched and that's when Bryce punched me in the nose
Q: y/n oh god it'll be okay
He looked up at Bryce who just had look of shock on his face
Q: you asshole why the hell did you try to punch me
B: you hurt my little sister it's my job
I just coughed
B: y/n
Y/n: yes
B: I'm so sorry I never meant to hit you
Y/n: it's okay
Q: no it's not
Quinton tried to swing at Bryce this time
Y/n: no don't Fucking hit him Quinton
But he didn't listen then someone grabbed his hand it was Nessa and then he tried to swing with his other arm but Jaden caught that one
Q: let go of me god dammit
N: no y/n said for you not to fucking hit him
Quinton put his arms down and sat next to me on the ground
Q: I'm sorry you guys
N: there's no need to be sorry
Ja: yea you were just trying to defend her
Bryce walked away
B: what
His voice cracked like he was going to cry, I got up and walked to his room and knocked
B: Who is it
Y/n: it's y/n
He opened the door and said
B: I'm the only one that's aloud to defend you but when I'm not around He can okay
Y/n: okay
He hugged me I hugged back, once he let go I walked away and over by them, Jaden and nessa where yelling at Quinton
Y/n: Guys stop yelling
Ja: no
He tried to kick him but i moved in the way
Q: why does everyone want to hurt me
Y/n: the don't know but I'm to tired for this shit
Q: okay
He picked me up bridal style and walked to his his room, he put me on the bed and grew some clothes at me, I walked to his bathroom and changed
Y/n: can I sleep
Q: no it's only 10:39
Y/n: but today has been stressful and I'm tired
Q: okay y/n good night
Y/n: good night

The Story of my life <Q.G> (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now