Chapter 14

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~ Your POV~
~ the next morning~
I woke up and rolled over to grab my phone to check the time
Y/n: holy shit it's 3 in the morning
Q: shush
Y/n: oh sorry baby
I put my phone down and tried to go back to sleep, but I never fell asleep, so I sat there for about an hour, and then I decided to get up, I walked to my room and got into a sports bra and lulu lemon pants and walked downstairs and to the gym, I played my playlist and after about an hour later Quin texted me
Q: where are you
Y/n: in the gym
Q: at five in the morning
Y/n: well I couldn't sleep
Q: oh okay
Y/n: see you in a bit
                   ~ end of texts~
After about 20 minutes I heard the door open and I saw all the boys
Y/n: hey
The boys: hey
K: how long have you been down here
Y/n: 2 hours or so
K: oh okay
It was about another hour and the boys were all upstairs and I was just about to head up and Quinton grabbed my arm, I thought he went up with the boys
Q: y/n
Y/n: yes Quinton
Q: wanna go swimming
Y/n: no sorry just not after what happened
Q: yea I'm sorry I should of listened to you
Y/n: it's okay Quin
I kissed him he kissed back
Q: wanna take this upstairs
Y/n: yea
We headed up to his room and once we got there he pushed the door shut and kissed me I kissed back and it turned out to be more then a make out session
(Yes they did the dirty I'm just not comfortable writing that)
I kissed him one last time and waved, I walked to my room to get ready
I picked out this outfit:

I walked to bryces roomB: hey y/nY/n: heyB: hey your finally aloud to go places tomorrow Y/n: I know and I'm super excitedB: yea and why's that Y/n: because I bought every one of you boys a ticket to DisneyB: wait reallyY/n: yea the bands come in ...

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I walked to bryces room
B: hey y/n
Y/n: hey
B: hey your finally aloud to go places tomorrow
Y/n: I know and I'm super excited
B: yea and why's that
Y/n: because I bought every one of you boys a ticket to Disney
B: wait really
Y/n: yea the bands come in the mail today
B: cool
Y/n: I'm going to go tell the rest of the boys
B: okay
I walked out of his room and started tell everyone, ness was the most excited
N: oh my god yes yessssssssssss
Y/n: okay then
N: I get to go to Disney with my bestie
Y/n: that's right
I laughed and hugged Nessa and walked out and back to Quintons
Q: I'm super excited to go to Disney with you
Y/n: me too
Quin and I cuddled for a bit and watched random things on Netflix, after awhile he got up
Y/n: where are you going
Q: ima go by the boys
Y/n: I'm coming with
We walked downstairs and saw all the boys playing video game
Ja: hey guys
Q: hey
Y/n: hi
A: hey y/n you should so these chumps how it's done e
Y/n: okay
Anthony gave me his controller and I won obviously
Y/n: you guys are ass at this
B: your only good at it because you always were my racing buddy
Y/n: well I'm not anymore
B: hmph
We were all playing and Kouver Called me
                            ~ on call~
Y/n: hey Kouver
Kouv: hey so what are you doing
Y/n: playing video games with the boys why
Kouv: I don't know I was just wondering if you want to have a spa day
Y/n: I can't leave the house till tomorrow
Kouv: oh sorry
Y/n: no no don't be sorry but I bought you and Alex a wrist band to come to Disney with all of us
Kouv: really yes
Y/n: yes Kouver I did
Kouv: okay what time
Y/n: just meet at Disney it doesn't matter what time
Kouv: okay love you bye
Y/n: love you too Kouver
~end of call~
When she hung up I put my phone down and Quinton tapped on my shoulder
Q: come with me
Y/n: okay
We walked to the kitchen
Q: who was that and why did you say you love them
Y/n: It was just Kouver
Q: Kouver at the hype house
Y/n: yes Quinton there is nothing to worry about okay
Q: okay I was only worried because I love you y/n and won't have you saying that to anyone but your brother and me
Y/n: I love you too Quin
We hugged and we went back by the boys
B: so did you guys kiss
He was talking like a little kid
Y/n: what do you want a sucker
B: what do you mean
Y/n: your acting like a child talking to his parents
B: shut up
I pushed him making him lose the race
Y/n: hehe
B: you going to get you little bastard
Y/n: only if you can catch me
We were running around for about 30 minutes before I got tired and he caught me
Y/n: noooooooo you got me
He put me down
B: I'm sorry
He pushed me and I fell into the pool
Y/n: you little bitch
B: oh shit
N: you messed up
G: yea man you fucked up
I got out of the water and started chasing Bryce
B: you won't get me
He said that and I tackled him
Y/n: haha you said that I won't get you but bitch your on the floor now
B: well karma's a bitch
He laughed, I looked up and saw everyone recording
Y/n: guys stop
I was laughing
Jo: oops
B: wait let me watch the video
G: wait so your not mad
B: no
Y/n: yea why would we be mad
A: so you don't mind if we put this on social media
B: I don't care
Y/n: I don't care either
Q: cool
K: I forgot to ask but while they was asking the questions I already posted it
Ja: yea same
Jo: I'm posting it now
Y/n: wow you guys are fast at posting
B: yea
Y/n: it takes me 20 minutes just to make sure the Video is good
B: same tho
G: now we know you guys are siblings
B and y/n: oh shush
Bryce and I looked at each other while the boys laughed a little
Y/n: well I'm going to change into dry clothes
They all nodded, I went up to my room and picked out this outfit:

I walked to bryces roomB: hey y/nY/n: heyB: hey your finally aloud to go places tomorrow Y/n: I know and I'm super excitedB: yea and why's that Y/n: because I bought every one of you boys a ticket to DisneyB: wait reallyY/n: yea the bands come in ...

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Someone knocked on the door when I was just braiding my hair
Y/n: who is it
?: It's Quin
Y/n: oh okay you can come in
He walked through the door
Q: hey baby
Y/n: hi bubs
Q: do you wanna go on a walk
Y/n: I'll see if Bryce will let me
Q: okay it's just a small walk
Y/n: okay
I smiled and walked to bryces room
Y/n: can I go on a small walk with Quinton
B: yea that's fine
Y/n: okay
I smiled and started walking out
B: don't do anything I wouldn't do
Y/n: Bryce you do anything you possibly could so
He just laughed and I walked out
Y/n: Quin we can go on the walk
he quickly got up from my bed and ran out of my room
Y/n: your silly
Q: I'm not silly your just weird
Y/n: whatever you say
He grabbed my hand and we walked out
Y/n: so where are we going
Q: just to the end of the block
Y/n: okay
We were walking when we seen Cynthia with someone else we weren't close enough to tell who it was, we kept on walking and we noticed it was nick,
Y/n: babe that's nick
Q: Nick?! Who's nick
Y/n: hype house nick also my ex nick
Q: do you want to turn around now or keep walking
Y/n: let's just keep walking
He nodded and else kept walking
Cyn: oh hey you two
Y/n: hello Cynthia
Nick looked at me
Y/n: hello Nicholas
Nick: hey Y/n
Cyn: look we don't want trouble we should of never stopped we are so sorry
I looked at Quin and he looked at me in confusion
Y/n: well we better get going see you guys
Nick and cyn: see ya
We started walking again
Q: why were they so nice
Y/n: ya I don't know and don't want to know
He just stayed silent and for the rest of the walk we didn't say much, but soon we got back to the house
Y/n: guys we're back
B: y/n
Y/n: yes
B: I thought I told you you can't leave the house
Y/n: but Bryce you said when I asked that I could go on a small walk with Quinton
B: I did
Y/n: were you high earlier
B: I don't remember
Ja: Yes
Y/n: did you break my brother and why did you do it
Ja: so what he got a little high but that doesn't matter
Y/n: Jaden yes it does matter
Ja: what why does it matter so much
Y/n: because I don't want him to get hurt he may be my older brother but if I can't baby someone in my family I don't know what I'll do
Ja: you can always baby Quinton
B: y/n
Y/n: yes Bryce
B: do you have any Advil on you
Y/n: why are okay
B: my head just hurts
Y/n: Quin can you go get a Advil out of the kitchen
Q: yea I'll be right back
B: thanks bro
Y/n: are you sure your okay
B: yea I'm fine
Y/n: I'll be right back...Jaden can you come with me please
He looked at Bryce like he was scared
Y/n: I'm not going to hurt you God Damn
Ja: yea okay
Y/n: just come on loser
I drug him by the arm to his room
Y/n: why Jaden why
Ja: why what
Y/n: why did you let him get fucking high
I started get a little mad
Ja: I'm sorry he wanted too
Y/n: what why would he want to go that
At this point I just wanted to cry
Ja: hey come sit
He scooted over a bit
Ja: look y/n I would of never let him get high if I knew it would hurt you this much
Y/n: I just want to know what happened and why he would do that
Ja: I know
Y/n: I just don't want him getting addicted
Ja: I know y/n and I'm sure he won't
Y/n: really
Ja: yes really
Y/n: then give my your puff bar
Ja: no y/n I'm not letting you hit off of it
Y/n: really Jaden so he can get high off of it but can't have one ass hit
Ja: y/n...
Y/n: yea
Ja: you can't get high off of a puff bar
Y/n: damn I'm stupid as all hell
He still gave me the puff bar but I didn't hit off of it I threw it as far as i could off the balcony
Ja: y/n what the fuck
Y/n: what
Ja: why did you do that
Y/n: Jaden you know why I did it
Ja: actually no I don't know why you did that
Y/n: I just wanted too
Ja: okay so you threw my be what about Josh's
Y/n: well let's fucking find it
Ja: only if you let me hit of it once
Y/n: no
Ja: yes
Y/n: no Jaden
Ja: fine
We looked around Joshs side of the master and found it in his desk
Y/n: Jae I found it
Ja: okay
He tried to grab it but I didn't let him and just tossed it
Ja: I hate you
Y/n: awe nice to know the feeling is mutual
He laughed and we heard the bedroom door open
Q: what are you two doing
He kinda looked mad
Ja: what do you want Quinton
Q: i want my girlfriend back but she's clearly into you
Y/n: am not
Q: that is not what it fucking looked like
Y/n: what did someone else have a fucking puff bar and you got high too
Q: um no
Y/n: then what the hell is wrong with you
Q: you were flirting with him
Y/n: was not we were just arguing over which puff bar flavor if better
Q: oh I'm so sorry
Y/n: no your fine
I went up to him and hugged him
Ja: hey I'm going to bed it's pretty late
Y/n: okay we'll head out see you tomorrow Jaden
Ja: night guys
Q: night bro
Quin and I walked to his room and we Quickly fell asleep

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