Chapter 7

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~ Your POV~
~the next morning~
I woke up with Nessa sitting on my bed on her phone
Y/n: good morning Ness
N: Morning sleepy head
Y/n: what do you mean
N: it's 2:45 in the afternoon
Y/n: really (you look at your phone) holy shit
N: get up Bryce wants us all to go to the beach with him
Y/n: okay
You get up and go to your closet you pick out this bikini:

~ Your POV~ ~the next morning~I woke up with Nessa sitting on my bed on her phone Y/n: good morning NessN: Morning sleepy head Y/n: what do you mean N: it's 2:45 in the afternoon Y/n: really (you look at your phone) holy shitN: get up Bryce wants ...

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With this hoodie over top of it:

You walk out and don't see nessa so you think that she went downstairs so you head down after you grab a random backpack off your floor and walk downstairsY/n: morningJa: it's 3 in the afternoonY/n: do I look like I care o just woke upJo: are you ...

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You walk out and don't see nessa so you think that she went downstairs so you head down after you grab a random backpack off your floor and walk downstairs
Y/n: morning
Ja: it's 3 in the afternoon
Y/n: do I look like I care o just woke up
Jo: are you going to beach with all of us
Y/n: yes
B: yay
Y/n: who are we waiting on
A: Kio and Quinton
Q: no I'm right here ( he says walking downstairs)
G: okay now we just waiting on Kio
Y/n: okay ( you pull out you phone and text Kio)

Y/n: hurry up slow poke
K: I need help finding a pair of swim shorts
Y/n: hold on I'm coming
K: okay
~ end of texts~
You through your phone on the couch and run up to
Kio's room
Y/n: okay I'm here
K: good because I'm getting frustrated
Y/n: just calm down and put these on:

K: okay Y/n: I'll be downstairsK: I'll be right downYou walk out and back downstairs Q: where did you goY/n: Kio needed helpB: help with what (smirks)Y/n: ewww that's nasty Jo: what did he need help with themY/n: he was getting frustrated picking ...

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K: okay
Y/n: I'll be downstairs
K: I'll be right down
You walk out and back downstairs
Q: where did you go
Y/n: Kio needed help
B: help with what (smirks)
Y/n: ewww that's nasty
Jo: what did he need help with them
Y/n: he was getting frustrated picking out swimming shorts (you look for a spot on a couch and see none open so you jump on Jadens lap)
Ja: Hey what do you think your doing
Y/n: there was no spots on the couch
Ja: so you sit on me
Y/n: yea and ima stay here
Ja: your mean
You look over at Quinton he has his jaw clenched
Y/n: yo Quin you okay you look pissed over there
Q: oh yea I'm fine
K: I'm here
Y/n and everyone else: finally
K: can we go
You all walk out and over to Jadens car
Y/n: I'm riding with Jaden
N: me too
Jo: same
Q: I'll go with Jaden too
B: I'm driving my own car
G: I'll ride with Bryce
A: I'll go with Bryce too
K: I'll go with them (points are bryces car)
Jaden turns on the car and quickly handed me Aux to plug in my phone too... I put on my playlist and we all jammed along to the song but poor ness was in between two sweaty boys
N: ew it smells back here
Y/n: you can ride up here by Jaden when we drive back okay
N: okay thanks
Q: we don't stink that back
N: yes you do
Jo: not
Ja: Ness is right I can smell you two up here
Q: no that's y/n
Y/n: no it's not it's you
Jo: no it's you y/n
Ja: it's not y/n it's you two back there
Jo: how do you know that
Ja: because y/n always smells like daisys and lavender
I looked back and see Quin's jaw clenched again
Y/n: Quinton
Q: yes
Y/n: are you okay you look mad pissed
Q: (says underneath his breath so no can hear him)
No I'm jealous
Y/n: what was that Quin
Q: I said I'm Fine ( kinda yells)
Y/n: your clearly not you only yell when your pissed
Q: fine I'm pissed okay you wanna know why I'm jealous okay
Y/n: jealous of who
Q: you and Jaden
Y/n: what why
Q: you guys clearly have something going on
Y/n: no we don't
Ja: Quin we promise you nothing is going on between me and Y/n
Q: then how do you know how she smells
Ja: because we've been friends for years
N: I even know how she smells
Jo: I know how she smells too
Q: really?!
Y/n: Quin be honest why were you jealous
Q: oh um (starts to turn red)
Y/n: are you okay you look like a bomb
Q: I-I-I-I (says quietly) I like you
Y/n: you do
As he said that I fell off the seat and just stayed there for the rest of the ride
Q: yea (rubs the back of his head)
N: then why did you do all that mean stuff to her in the school year
Q: I was trying to look tuff in front of the boys
Y/n: but you liked me the whole time
Ja: we are here
Y/n: okay
You get out walk over to Quin and grab his hand
Q: what are you doing
Y/n: what do you think
Q: y/n look at me
Y/n: yes
Q: I never meant to do all that to you
Y/n: I know (hugs him)
Q: (hugs back)
B: aww look at them
Y/n: and Bryce ruined the moment
Q: yep ( throws you over his shoulder)
Y/n: Quinton what are you doing
Q: you'll see
Y/n: no no no do not throw me in the fucking water
You try to get out of his grip but you fail and hit the water
Y/n: Quin I'm still In my hoodie dumb ass
Q: sorry
You stand up and start chasing him
Y/n: get back here
Q: no you are going to hit me
You finally catch up and jump on his back and so one yells
?: Just date already
Q: who said that
Y/n: I don't know
Quin turns around you see Kio
Y/n: Kio
K: yes
Y/n: lemme guess you said that
K: yep
Y/n: you asshole
You get off Quin's back and walk over to where the boys the stuff down.. you grab out your towel and place it next to nessa's
N: the boys are dumb
Y/n: yes yes they are
You and ness were taking for a while until Quin came up and laid his towel next to yours and laid down
Y/n: what are you doing Quin
Q: I wanted to be by you
N: ( whispers in your ear) he's just trying to be cute
Y/n: ( your whisper back to her) he already is
N: ( laughs)
Q: I was listening that
Y/n: You heard that
Q: yes I did
Y/n: (turns bright red)
Q: your blushing
You hide you face in your knees
N: I'm going to go get ice cream y/n I'll get you some okay
Y/n: okay ( you mumbled)
Quin lifted you head out of you knees with his finger and makes you look at him
Y/n: yes Quin
Q: you cute too ( kisses you)
You kiss back and he pulls away
Q: Damn
Y/n: what
He shrugs and gets up and pulls you up
Y/n: Quin where are we going
Q: I'm walking you over by ness (grabs your hand)
Y/n: okay then where are you going
Q: back by the boys
You nod
N: woah
Y/n: what
N: you guys are holding hand
Quin let's go and walks back by the boys
N: so what happened
Y/n: we kissed
N: no way (squeals)
Y/n: not so loud

~Quintons POV~
I didn't think she'd kiss back
Jo: yo bro
Q: yes
B: I saw you kiss my sister
Q: you saw that
I could feel myself turning red
Ja: Q we all seen it
Q: oh
K: I bet those fan girls got a few pictures and are going to Dm tiktok room and they are going to put you and Bae watch
Q: shit (whispers under neath breath)
I got out and Quickly went to get my phone and went to Instagram and I was already on there kissing y/n
Y/n: are you okay Quin
Q: no
Y/n: why what's wrong (rushes over)
I show y/n the photo and told we are on Bae watch
Y/n: Q what are we going to do
Q: I guess we leave it alone
Y/n: we are just going to leave it alone
Q: yes it's not like we can take the photo down
Y/n: we can report it
Q: no y/n
Y/n: so you want people knowing
Q: thousands of people already seen it
Y/n: Cynthia saw it too
Q: how do you know that
Y/n: it's says like by Cynthia Parker
Q: shit
Y/n: what
Q: if Cynthia seen it she's going to spread lies about you and make you seem like a bad person
Y/n: oh
Q: I'm so sorry y/n
Y/n: hey no it's not you fault
I nod
Ja: can we go home
B: yea I wanna go home
Q: okay
Y/n: same cars
Y/n and ness switch seats and ness plays her playlist
Y/n: I'm tired
Q: go to sleep then
Ja: yea
Y/n lays her head on my shoulder and quickly falls asleep.. about five minutes josh and nessa started taking pictures of he sleeping
N: I'm sending these to Bryce
Jo: I'll send some to you Jaden
After about two minute I get a text from Bryce

B: bro you better not break her Heart
Q: I promise bro
B: okay
Q: also why are you texting if you driving
B: I'm not driving griff is
Q: oh okay talk to you when we get back
~end of texts~
Y/n was woken up by Jaden hitting a bump
Ja: oh so y/n
Y/n: no I needed to wake up we are almost back
Ness has fallen asleep and josh was on his phone and y/n laid her head back on my shoulder and went on her phone
After about 10 minutes we pulled in the drive way and y/n fell back asleep on her phone
Ja: I will take her phone
Q: I'll take her in
I carried her up to my room since it was closer then hers I slept on the couch in my room to give her space

A/n I don't think you expected that

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