Serial Killer AU

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I've seen several serial killer AUs where it's Logan, or Patton, or Roman or one of the dark sides (Janus or Remus or both), but I haven't seen many with Virgil as the serial killer. So here's my idea

Virgil- serial killer
Logan- college student
Roman- college student
Remus- college student
Patton- college student
Janus- college student

Ships- analogical (duh), moceit?

Trigger Warnings: blood, gore, violence, death, panic attacks, swearing, 'vigilante justice', knives, daggers, serial killer shenanigans

Plot- Virgil is an unintentional serial killer.
He never meant to become one, it just happened one night.
See, Virgil never had an easy life to begin with, always being bullied in and out of school, his parents always gone then dying in a car crash when he was nineteen, and never getting any real friends until high school.
It's not his fault he one day stumbled across one of his bullies in a vacant field and accidentally murdered him with a branch. He was just as confused as everyone else. He couldn't believe he actually killed someone. But that killing got him thinking; no one knows who killed his bully because no one would suspect nor trace back to the emo boy with five friends and in his third year of college. That night changed his life as he decided to became what he called a 'vigilante executioner'. The first people on his list were all his bullies, old and new, killing each in similar fashion so the PD would know it's the same killer, but not leaving so much as a DNA sample behind that could be traced back to him (anxiety is helpful in this case. Makes him check over every little detail ten times so he won't get caught).
As his serial killings became more frequent and gruesome people started talking more about it, his five friends all seeming to have different options on this "mysterious murderer" the press named Anxiety.
Janus seemed impartial, but often said Anxiety is getting away because of the flawed justice system. Roman said he was a "rat scoundrel who deserved to be hanged for his crimes" (probably because he was scared shitless). Remus was interested in his murdering techniques, and, although he'd never admit it, was scared as well. Patton was terrified of this killer, having to enforce the buddy system with their friend group to prevent any of them getting murdered. Finally Logan, who seemed intriguing by this killer, always eager to learn more since this was his time to be Sherlock. Virgil never said much about this which was understandable for the friend group since they attributed it with his anxiety. Just as Virgil planned, but he had to keep a sharp eye on his friend, crush, and greatest rival, Logan. If Logan figured out who the killer was then Virgil could be killed.

(Next AUs are gonna be analogical ones so analogical shippers better be getting ready)

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