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One Week Later

"Italy or France?"

I hummed in thought, fiddling with the fork. "Italy, for the food." I responded and stabbed my salad before shoving it into my mouth.

Aaliyah gave me a look. "Seriously? But Paris seem so cute and romantic and.." I sighed and a frown covered her lips. "Shit, I'm sorry."

I waved my hand and pushed around the tomatoes on my plate. "Don't worry about it." I dropped my fork and looked down at my pinky ring and spun it slightly.  

It's been literally a week since I've seen and spoken to Robyn. I tried calling, nothing. I even popped up at her house a few times but each time she was gone. Melissa was kind enough to let me know that she was out of state working on some business shit. That could either be the truth or a lie to keep me from stopping by.. who knows.

As for me, I ended up going to the audition a few days ago and making the cut. I was now the step coordinator and backup dancer for Beyonce's upcoming coachella performance. How cool was that? It would've been even cooler if I could share this blessing with who I wanted to but.. shit happens. And as much as I wanted to hop on a plane and fly to wherever Rob was, I had a job to do.

"Grandpa would be surprised to see you still wearing that thing." I looked up, smiling as Aaliyah tried to liven the conversation. 

"That thing? This is generation of boss ass niggas, girl

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"That thing? This is generation of boss ass niggas, girl." I said while holding my hand up for her to see. "Three generations. This ring saw wars yo. And it's gonna see my success, then my future sons, and his." She smacked her lips and I smirked while putting it back on. "Don't be mad 'cause you don't have a legacy to pass down."

"It's literally a gold ring with a black stone." My jaw dropped when she waved her hand. "Nothing special."

"Just a stone?" I pointed at the ring with wide eyes. "G.G Charles was fighting in the world war when he was shot at while on the ground. The bullet ricocheted off of a rock. A beautiful ass black Onyx. So no, it's not just a black stone. It's a stone that kept our family line going." She raised her hands mockingly and I huffed, sitting back. "You'll get it one day. Anyways I gotta go get ready for this rehearsal, you ready?" She nodded and packed her food back into the bag before walking with me out of the restaurant and into the lobby.

"Grab your chargers and shit 'cause we'll be there for some hours." I told Aaliyah once we reached the hotel room, me not having an apartment in the city just yet. New York was so much more expensive than Los Angeles so I wasn't even about to try it.

Once I reached my room, I winced as I knelt down to grab my bags. "Shit." I huffed and lifted my shit to check the bandage, no blood. That's a good sign. I dropped the shirt and looked under my bed to grab the bottle of Jack. I wasn't going to get drunk but a shot or two did take the edge off the pain a lot better than pills did.

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