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"So that's all you want?" Rob asked as she looked at the list of shit I asked for on the grocery store. "You put hot Cheetos three times."

"Because I want three bags." I retorted while watching the TV screen that showed the Clippers and Lakers game. Neither were my team but it was a good ass game. "Babe watch out you're blocking the.." she gave me a look as I leaned over on the couch to see the screen while waving my hand.

"You calling me fat?" My eyes shot back to her. "Bet. Fuck your hot Cheetos." She threw the phone at me and I quickly caught it, confused as fuck.

What just happened?

I sighed and dropped my head back on the couch as she extraly walked away. Extraly wasn't a word but if it was, she'd be it. "What the fuuuck." I groaned quietly. When I looked down at the ground, I saw that damn puppy pop up out of nowhere. "The hell are you looking at?" I grumbled before raising up from the couch and following after her. Now nobody warned me that the mood swings got worse.

I thought she would just get more emotional, sad-like. She cried a lot more during movies and questioned if I was mad at her because I would 'cuddle her differently' or whatever. But this was.. sheesh.

Nonetheless, I pushed the bedroom door open slowly and saw her pulling on a jacket, her fingers flying up to the buttons but she couldn't get them on because of her nails. "Ugh!" She exclaimed before ripping the jacket off, only to grab another one.

Okay do I actually go in or do I wait it out? I feel like I should wait but if I wait then that'll make her simmer and like cooking chicken, if that shit simmers in the grease... it'll pop.

Then again, as soon as you put chicken in the grease it pops too. What the fuck do I do?

I looked back up at her and saw her trying to pull another jacket on but this time the buttons wouldn't close over her stomach. Oh jeez. She snatched that jacket off too before throwing it onto the ground and kicking it like a damn psycho. "This bitch crazy." I mumbled to myself.

Her eyes shot to mine. "What did you say?"

There was no way she heard me. Come onnn.

I raised my hands as she started towards me. "I didn't say nothing babe." Her eyes turned to slits when I cracked a smile. "Chill Rob, come on." I quickly backed around the couch and she grabbed a pillow before throwing it at me, which I easily caught. I laughed at her little mad face but I'm assuming that only pissed her off more.

"You bold as hell today." She hissed out and grabbed another pillow cushion. "But you're still running like a little bitch."

I chuckled and pointed at myself. "I'm a little bitch." Her eyebrows raised challengingly so I nodded. "You're absolutely right. I'm a little bitch, but I'm your little bitch." I said and leaned forward as I made kissy faces at her, only to be met with a face full of pillow.

Just as I lowered it, I saw her jump onto the couch and launch herself at me before I could react. "Robyn." I laughed out and quickly caught her as she smacked me repeatedly with a smaller pillow. "What is wrong with you girl."

I rolled over the couch and laid her beneath me as I wrapped my arms around her tightly and dropped my head in her neck and when she squirmed under me. "You want ice cream?" I mumbled and kissed her neck softly before trailing up. "You want me to lick ice cream off of you?"

That stopped her squirming real quick. "Yes." She mumbled and I smirked as she slid her arms over my shoulders. "But I also wanna slap you, and cry, and get fucked at the same time." Well alright then.

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