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"Owww." I whined, frowning as my hair was tugged which left a stinging feeling on my scalp. "Babe."

"Stop whining." She sighed out and pulled the comb through my hair. "You don't comb your shit."

I frowned and pushed an Oreo into my mouth as I tried to focus on the game in front of me. "I brush it." I said in a muffle, wincing when she pulled my head to side. "Can you be more gentle?"

"I am being gentle." I made a face before squinting when a voice came through my headset.

"Dude your girl sounds hot."

I chuckled and rested the controller on my lap as the lobby loaded. "I know right? You won't believe she's as hot as she looks." I heard Rob let out a small laugh behind me as she started to braid my hair.

"She send nudes?" I rolled my eyes and ignored that comment. "I'm just asking."

"Yeah and that was a dumb question to ask. You lucky you're on my team or your ass wouldn't make it past three kills." I picked my class before spawning in after seeing the usual countdown.

My avatar was running through Hijacked and I was reloading when Robyn spoke up. "On your left babe." I hummed and turned, smiling when I saw a guy trying to sneak up on me. I quickly shot him, hearing a groan through my headset.

"You need your girls help? Fucking simp."

I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm assuming you don't have a girl? Cause if you had a shawty like mine you gon' simp every day of the week, my boy." I ran up the stairs, shanking a guy as soon as we ran into each other at a corner.

"What're they saying?" Robyn asked with her eyes on the screen. I pulled the headset off of my head and handed it to her before quickly setting the output audio to the TV. That way we could both hear what was being said but she could respond. "So they can hear me now?" I nodded.

"Ooh it's sexy talking. Where you from? You sound British, mami."

I snorted, only picturing what face Rob was pulling right now. "British? Nigga are you stupid?" I laughed loudly and killed said guy again with a one shot headshot.

"I'll be whatever you want me to be mami."

"Hm.. that was kinda smooth." I gave her a look and my distraction momentarily allowed the same guy to get a revenge kill. "Pay attention babe." She mumbled and turned my head.

"Yeah, pay attention babe." He mocked, making the others in the game laugh. "So, you gonna tell me where you're from?"

"Barbados. The Caribbean." She responded and I rolled my eyes at her little laugh when he let out an 'ooh.' It was the flirty bashful laugh she'd let out. I was about to shut this whole game down.

"Spicy. So what I'm hearing is that you know how to move those hips in bed?"

"I do." I scowled. "But only for my fiancé." Scowl turned to smile.

"Fiancée??" About four voices sounded, full of shock.

I grabbed the headset back. "Yeah, so fuck off." Rob laughed softly before starting to braid my hair again.

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